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January 17, 2009


New Faces, New Voices

WTP Congress Blog Lives Again

Next Week’s Meetings: MI, OH, NY

Ed. note
: This update regards the upcoming historic Continental Congress 2009 event to be held in Philadelphia directly across from Independence Hall.  As part of CC 2009, delegates selected by the People from each of the fifty states will convene to discuss the Government’s ongoing violations of the Constitution and strategies the People can employ to peaceably curtail the abuse.  Although these violations have been widely debated for years, it is the Government’s patent refusal to respond to any and all First Amendment Petitions for Redress that now compel the People to justly and actively resist the tyranny.

We strongly encourage our readers to review each of our
latest updates.  At a minimum, please be sure to read our “Summit Call and “Line in the Sand” web articles
which provide a good overview of the constitutional crisis and CC 2009 initiative.


With each passing day, soul after soul across the nation is slowly finding its way to WTP and experiencing the energy and sheer excitement of discovering an innovative, viable solution that might actually restore Constitutional Order to our Republic.

That profound solution is the “Continental Congress 2009”.

Modeled directly upon the efforts of our Founders, CC 2009 promises to bring representatives from each of the fifty states to the birthplace of our nation – Philadelphia, to once again debate the challenges the People face in keeping the Constitution alive and to develop strategies they can implement to thwart those in government that would deny them their Liberty.

One such soul, Katie, found her personal hope this past week at the WTP meeting in Denver. The following is a copy of an entry she penned on an Internet blog a couple days ago: 

Katie // January 16, 2009 at 11:12 am 

Recently I attended a meeting of the We The People Foundation and I can describe it in two words: LIFE CHANGING. 

I urge all of you to look at the schedule on this link. If you are anywhere within 200 miles of one of them, or know someone who is, YOU should go and listen and learn. Don't question it. Just find a way to get there. And bring people with you.

I walked in not knowing anyone else or if I should be in this place. I walked out with a glimmer of light at the end of a very long tunnel that we have the ABILITY and the RIGHT and the birth of a PLAN of ACTION to take back our constitutional republic that has been violated so many times. 

I believe I learned more about history in those 3 hours than 4 years of high school. Folks it's 1774 all over again. The bad news is things are worse now than they were before the Revolutionary War. The good news is we don't have to create a Constitution or Declaration of Independence. We already have the perfect documents and laws in place. They're just not being followed. 

The beauty of this mission is IT ISN'T ABOUT POLITICAL PARTIES! It IS about Americans who love their country, are fed up with well-documented corruption in government, and are forming the plan to defend the Constitution, and dare I say it,m"get the Government back on the side of the People" (wow! where did we hear that?) 

I'm personally tired of sitting at my desk, complaining about things, living in fear or depression, and am grateful to the We The People for helping me find an outlet for being proactive. You can, and should, too. 

My parents are elderly, but they were very active politically in the early 60's. There are a lot of parallels with these times we're in, but they agree, this is much, much more dire. I just spent two hours on the phone with them, and they heard a different daughter. They are encouraged now. It's not too late, but there isn't much time left, and if the Constitution continues to be violated in the direction we're going, it won't matter. Our lives as we know them are over. 

I see the Internet as a huge tool to help us win this. The more we can focus our efforts in one place, with laser-like intensity, the sooner we can clean up this mess. 

This group is forming a Continental Congress - three citizen delegates from each state are being sought to go to Philadelphia in March for  creating an action plan. (This is exactly what happened in 1774 - worked out pretty good, wouldn't you say?) Bob Schulz spoke for almost 3 hours, giving a background, history and quotes from our Founding Fathers. YOU COULD HAVE HEARD A PIN DROP. To say we're in similar circumstances is an understatement. 

Lots of people are sacrificing all they can for this organization’s efforts. They're not about profiting from this disaster. They're about fixing it. You can get educated by going to their website at Click on the article posted on 12/20 "Summit Call" and work your way to more recent postings. Mr. Schulz explained that this would be the most logical way to understand what they're doing. 

Yes, they need money. But they also need our time. And effort. Whatever special gifts, talents, or skills we can bring will be needed. Our government officials have become power hungry and it needs to end. 


WTP Congress Blog Lives Again 

After a lengthy period of “hibernation”, WTP has re-deployed its WTP Congress Blog website to encourage personal feedback and public discourse regarding the Continental Congress initiative. The blog uses some of the latest software available, featuring support for optimizing Internet searches and enabling RSS content feeds.

The new blog link is

WTP is beginning the process of assembling a small staff of content editors and contributors.
As with most public blogs, supporters can offer feedback and/or comments by providing a user name and email address.  Comments to the blog will be moderated by the editors.

If you have an interest in serving as a Congress Blog editor or content contributor/author, please contact Bob Schulz by sending him an email to  Content submissions will be reviewed, organized and approved by the Editors and WTP management. 

This is your chance to be heard and to offer your opinions about our work.  We hope you find this communication tool of value as we continue to organize our nation for the events ahead as we engage in the defense of Liberty. 

As part of CC 2009, WTP also plans to deploy a “message board” system capability that will address more fully the need for more advanced organization of discussion threads as well as serve as a vehicle for CC 2009 state Delegates to directly communicate with their constituents during the Philadelphia proceedings.

Next Week’s Meetings: MI, OH, NY

Mon., 1/19/09, Lansing, MI 7 pm. Best Western Hotel. 7711 W Saginaw Hwy Lansing, MI 48917-1137 (517) 627-8471.

Tues., 1/20/09, Cleveland/Akron, OH 7 pm. Holiday Inn, 240 East Hines Hill Road, Hudson Ohio 44236. 330-653-9191 or (330)-380-8404. The site for details and reservations is:

Wed., 1/21/09, Rochester, NY 7 pm, R.I.T. Inn & Conference Center, located at 5257 West Henrietta Rd. Rochester. Right near the Thruway and Route 390, coming up out of the Southern Tier.

MORE DETAILS can be found on the latest CC 2009 meeting schedule

Thank you for your generous support.  Every little bit helps. 


Click here to donate to obtain you 2009 Freedom Calendars.

Please remember that donations to the 501(c)3 Foundation are tax deductible.


  Help Fund CC 2009!

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your 2009 Freedom Calendars!  Now Shipping!

It's a great way to introduce your friends and family to both
our mission of defending Liberty and the WTP organization.
The calendars and education materials make great Holiday gifts too!

You can also donate for the Calendars using our printable/mailable
Donate Form ".rtf" format  (be sure to specify the Calendar
package you select)

Please remember, the operations of the WTP Foundation
are funded
entirely by your generous support.

Video of December 8th, 2008 WTP Press Conference at the National Press Club,
now on Google