Ed. note:
This update regards the
upcoming historic Continental Congress 2009 event
to be held later this year. As part of CC 2009,
delegates selected by the People from each of the
fifty states will convene to discuss the
Government’s ongoing violations of the
Constitution and strategies the People can employ
to peacefully curtail the abuses. Although these
violations have been widely debated for years, it
is the Government’s patent refusal to respond to
any and all First Amendment Petitions for Redress
that now compel the People to educate our Nation
and begin to organize to restore Constitutional
Order and secure Liberty.
We strongly encourage our readers to review
each of our
latest updates.
At a minimum, please be sure to read our “Summit
and “Line
in the Sand” web
which provide a good overview of the
constitutional crisis and CC 2009
Bob Schulz brings his call to prepare for the historic
Continental Congress 2009 assembly to the far
northwest this week with multiple stops in the
states of Oregon, Alaska, and Washington. |
Please pass word of his travels to your e-mail lists and make
plans to personally attend one of these important
meetings as the People begin to organize to reclaim
our Constitution and our Liberty. If you can,
please use our 1-page or tri-fold flyers to spread
word about the coming meetings.
This past weekend Schulz spoke in Mt. Shasta, California
where crews from San Francisco PBS television as
well as National Public Radio and other regional
media covered the event. Schulz continues to be a
requested guest on a growing number of radio talk
Here’s the public meeting schedule for the next
Continental Congress events:
Mon., March 30, 2009, 7-10pm. Medford, Oregon.
Venue: Medford Library Meeting Rooms – main room,
205 South Central Avenue, Medford, OR 97501.
Contact: Rick Hake,
Tues., March 31, 2009, 7-10pm Eugene, Oregon.
Venue: Veterans
Memorial Hall,
1626 Willamette St.
Eugene, OR. 97401. Contacts: Dee Lopez,
dlopezforcongress@yahoo.com; Tracey Weiss,
Wed., April 1, 2009, 7-10pm. Portland, Oregon Venue:
Mallory Community Enrichment Center, 126 NE Alberta
St and Mallory Ave, Portland, OR. 97211. Contact:
Dede Farrell,
starlady144@comcast.net , 503 288 5846.
Thurs., April 2, 2009, 7-10pm. Olympia,
Washington. Venue: Comfort Inn & Conference
Center, 1620 74th Avenue, SW, Tumwater,
WA. 98501. 360.352.0691. Contact:
Fri., April 3, 2009, 7-10pm Bellingham,
Washington. Venue: Fairhaven Library, Fireplace
Room, 1117 12th Street, Bellingham, WA
98226. Contact: Mark Edson,
Sat., April 4, 2009, 1-4pm Juneau, Alaska.
Venue: Juneau Public Library –downtown branch, 292
Marine Way, Juneau, 99801. 907-586-5249. Contact:
Sun., April 5, 2009, 2-5pm Anchorage, Alaska.
Venue: APDEA Union Hall at 500 W International
Airport Rd, Anchorage, AL, 99518. Contact:
Mon., April 6, 2009, 7-10pm. Fairbanks, Alaska.
Venue: ARC building, 3049 Davis Road, Fairbanks, AL
99701. Meeting in smaller building in back. Look
for WTP signs! Contact:
Tues., April 7, 2009, Travel day! (No meeting…)
Wed., April 8, 2009, 6:30-9:30pm Seattle,
Washington. NEW VENUE: University of Washington,
Electrical Engineering Building - Room 045, Stevens
Way East, Seattle, WA 98144. Location info and a
map is on the webpage:http://principlesinliberty.blogspot.com/2009/03/continental-congress-2009.html.
Contact: Sanford Staab, 425-415-2137,
Thurs., April 9, 2009, 7-10pm. Spokane,
Washington. Venue search underway! Contact:
Mike McIntire,
Click here to see the full
meeting schedule
for additional details.
RIGHT-Click here to download the new
Word .doc CC2009 legal-sized flyer
RIGHT-Click here to download the
CC2009 "tri-fold" brochure.
Thank you for
generous support.
Please remember that your tax-deductible donations are the sole
source of funding the Foundation's Continental Congress 2009
project work.