Ed. note:
This update regards the
upcoming historic Continental Congress 2009 event
to be held later this year. As part of CC 2009,
delegates selected by the People from each of the
fifty states will convene to discuss the
Government’s ongoing violations of the
Constitution and strategies the People can employ
to peacefully curtail the abuses. Although these
violations have been widely debated for years, it
is the Government’s patent refusal to respond to
any and all First Amendment Petitions for Redress
that now compel the People to educate our Nation
and begin to organize to restore Constitutional
Order and secure Liberty.
We strongly encourage our readers to review
each of our
latest updates.
At a minimum, please be sure to read our “Summit
and “Line
in the Sand” web
which provide a good overview of the
constitutional crisis and CC 2009
Meeting Schedule: ID, MT, ND, SD
Schulz continues his second national tour next week
in preparing the nation for this year’s historic
Continental Congress assembly to restore
Constitutional Order. |
His next meetings take him through Idaho, Montana
and the Dakotas. Please get to one of these
important organizational and educational meetings.
Be sure to copy all your email lists so that others
can be made aware of the meetings.
Those who have attended Bob’s CC2009 meetings thus
far are encouraged to send links to any video they
have posted or photos they may have taken at the
meetings to the WTP
home office or by email to
info@givemeliberty.org. Please limit photo
submissions to your best 2 or 3 pictures.
Click here to see the full
meeting schedule
for additional details.
Sat., April 11, 2009, 10:15am–12:30pm. Boise,
Idaho. Venue: Boise Public Library, 715 S.
Capital Blvd, Boise ID, 83702. 208 384 4450.
Contact: Brandon Yates,
Sat., April 11, 2009, 6-9pm. Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Venue: Idaho Falls Public Library, 457 West
Broadway, Idaho Falls, ID 83402, 208 612 8460.
Contact: Mike Aldana mgaldana@gmail.com
Sun., April 12, 2009, EASTER SUNDAY – No
Meeting. Happy Easter!
Mon., April 13, 2009 – 7-10pm. Casper, Wyoming.
Venue: Natrona County High School, 930 Elm Street,
Casper, WY, 82601. Contact: Lance Crain,
Tue., April 14, 2009, Billings, Montana. 6-7pm buffet
dinner ($8.00), 7:00-10pm meeting.
Elks Club, 934 Lewis Ave.,
Billings, MT. 59102 Contacts:
Statis Sylvyn,
or Mae Woo,
Wed., April 15, 2009, 6:30- 9:30pm. Bismarck, North
Dakota. Venue:Radisson Hotel - New York Room,
605 E. Broadway Avenue, Bismarck, ND, 58501. Go to
the Tea Party which begins at 3:30pm at the Federal
Building. Get some dinner and then come to the
meeting! contact:
Thur., April 16, 2009, 7-10pm. Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Ramada Inn, 2727 6th Avenue, S.E. (Hwy 12).
Contact: Bill Stegmeier,
605 940 0354.
Fri., April 17, 2009, 7-10pm. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Achieve Convention Center, 4100 S. Western Avenue
(North of I-229 at Exit 2.) Contact: Bill Stegmeier,
605 940 0354.
April 15th Tea Parties
Wednesday, April 15th next week, the
nation will likely witness a large outpouring
citizens frustrated with the numerous offensive
behaviors of our government. Hundreds of “Tea Party”
protests have been scheduled in cities all across
America and will likely attract many, many thousands
of the American People.
Although the organizers of the Tea Parties are
generally leveraging off public sentiment offended
by the audacious government bank bailouts, budgetary
spending spree, and confiscatory taxes on “income,”
many in these crowds are likely still oblivious to
the fact that these offensive acts are in fact, not
merely poor policy decisions, but significant
violations of the Constitution.
short, next week offers our organization a golden
opportunity to take advantage of these gatherings to
spread word of the Continental Congress 2009
initiative to restore Constitutional Order.
our organization can attract, and secure the support
of, just a fraction of those attending, we will be
well on our way to greatly building toward the
“critical mass” needed to ensure the success of
CC2009. This is an enormous opportunity to reach a
large number of like-minded Americans and enlighten
them about the battle for Liberty that rages around
them and the People’s profound, inherent powers to
peacefully restore Constitutional Order.
strongly urge everyone to contact their WTP Congress
state Coordinator, and arrange to meet with other
activists and make plans to hand out thousands of
CC2009 flyers at the Tea Parties.
Here are the important Tea Party links:
WTP CC2009
"Tea Party" Flyer (1-page)
WTP CC2009
CC2009 "tri-fold" brochure (1-page, 2 sides
April 15 Tea Party Procedure
(for State Coordinators, CC2009 Team Members, &
Tea Party participants)
Click here for full a full list of Tea Party
event locations.
Here is a
Google link which shows Tea Party events
on a map
$$ Low Cost Flyer Copying @ STAPLES -- around
(WTP Foundation flyers only, 501(c)3,
restrictions apply)
Let’s bring CC2009 to America next Wednesday.
State-Specific CC2009 Donations
WTP Foundation is now ready to receive (tax
deductible) donations targeted for support of
each state’s CC2009 activities through a customized
process hosted by the PayPal online payment
Donations made through the special PayPal
state-specific donate “buttons” will be held in
reserve by the WTP Foundation to help build a “nest
egg” to assist, as necessary, covering the costs of
sending each state’s Delegates to the CC2009
assembly as well as helping to fund a portion of the
costs each state’s WTP Coordinator network may incur
while promoting the CC2009 initiative locally within
each state.
state-specific donate buttons take you directly
to the PayPal system where you can donate with a
credit card OR your existing PayPal account.
NOTE: You do
NOT need a PayPal account to make a donation
through this system. (Use the form on the
left side of the PayPal page)
state button web page also includes a button for
making (tax deductible) donations to the
Foundation’s general fund so that it can help
host the historic CC2009 event and cover the
significant costs anticipated in both producing the
event, promoting it nationwide, as well as bringing
CC2009 assembly to the nation via live Internet
short, our historic undertaking requires a
significant financial commitment from our supporters
to achieve success. Together, we can do this.
encourage you to step forward, take a stand for
Liberty and make a donation to help send your
state’s chosen Delegate’s to CC2009 and to help
bring CC2009 to both your state and the nation.
Information regarding the amount of donations made
to each state and expenses reimbursed from the funds
will be made periodically and posted online.
Procedures for requesting reimbursements of
allowable CC2009 related expenses will be released
in the near future.
Click here to
access the PayPal CC2009 state-specific
donate buttons.
you prefer, click here to access WTP’s
regular, secure donation system.
Live CC2009 Meeting
If sufficient Internet bandwidth exists at a meeting
venue, Bob Schulz plans to broadcast each meeting on
his tour LIVE using the Mogulus webcast system.
Click on the link to see the live broadcast:
Click here to see the full
meeting schedule
for additional details.
WTP CC2009
"Tea Party" Flyer (1-page)
RIGHT-Click here to download the
CC2009 "tri-fold" brochure.
Thank you for
generous support.
Please remember that your tax-deductible donations are the sole
source of funding the Foundation's Continental Congress 2009
project work.