Independence Hall, Philadelphia |
There is a frenzy of activity at WTP HQ. We
apologize for the length of this update and the time
lapse since our last communication! From now until
the event, we will endeavor to post at least one
update each week. |
Congress 2009:
The Thanksgiving Congress
Continental Congress 2009 will take place from November 9 -24, 2009, a
Congress! While the outcome of this
event is yet to be known, we will give daily thanks
to The Creator for our Freedom and for the greatest
governing documents ever given to mankind, as we
take our stand for the restoration of constitutional
obedience in America.
reach out to you with open arms to join us and stand
together as ONE VOICE now, remembering that the
cause of America is truly the cause of the world.
What we do in the days ahead is not just for us, but
to hold tight and pass the Torch of Liberty to
millions within and beyond our shores and for all
future generations to come.
There is a place for every one of you, to help make
Continental Congress a reality. At this website link
you will see an
interactive U.S. map.
Click on your state and help us to build an
organization that stands strong and far above
parties, politics and personalities, bringing our
Founding Documents back into clear view.
Continental Congress 2009:
Delegate Nominations
Nominations for CC2009 delegates are coming in! What
we receive here at headquarters goes directly to the
state coordinator and their nominating committee for
review and posting.
We invite you to nominate one or more individuals
you feel could represent The People of your state at
this event. Delegates should have a proven passion
for the Constitution; be upstanding citizens; be
over 18 years of age; have not been convicted of any
felonies; and, not have a conflict of interest, such
as holding an elected or appointed position in
local, state or federal government.
Click here for
and to access the Delegate
nomination system.
cutoff date for nominations is September 1, 2009.
By September 12, 2009, final nominees will be posted
on the State web pages. We have a committee of
individuals working out the final nominee screening
and vetting procedures, which will include a formal
background check of each nominee.
Continental Congress 2009:
Election Day & Voting Procedure
Election Day for Delegates to CC 2009 will take
place on Saturday, October 10, 2009 from
10AM – 4PM.
The process we follow will be obedient to the
Constitution – an example of how we can and must end
secret vote counting and voter fraud in America. The most
important aspect of the entire election process is
that the chain of custody for the ballots is
never broken. In other words, each and every
step in the voting procedure is fully observable by
the public.
Our thanks go out to Vickie Karp and Karen Renick,
two of America’s most active and dedicated advocates
for election integrity, for their resoluteness and
steadfast assistance in planning and managing this
important function.
Consider what will take place and be part of it:
There will be 51 different paper ballot versions, one
for each state and Washington, DC.
Paper ballots will be provided for the voters who
vote in person at the CC2009 Voting Center closest
to their primary residence. (A list of Voting
Center Locations in each state and the District of
Columbia will be made available on the CC2009
website weeks prior to Election Day.)
Prior to being able to receive a ballot for voting
on Election Day, each voter will be required to fill
out a CC2009 Voter Registration Form and turn it in
at the Voting Center where they will be voting.
Registration forms will be available at the Voting
Centers on Election Day and also on the CC2009
To be eligible to vote, a person must meet certain
basic requirements such as the minimum age of 18 and
U.S. citizenship. (The requirements necessary to
vote will be fully described on the website, as
Each ballot will be hand marked by the voter with an
indelible ink pen and then deposited by the voter
into a clear plastic ballot box at the Voting Center
that will ALWAYS remain in full public view and will
only be “unlocked” when the vote counting begins.
When the counters are in position, the ballot box
will be opened in full public view for the
publicly-observable hand-counting procedure to
begin. (The counting protocol will be provided to
each State Coordinator and/or Election Coordinator.)
When all the ballots have been counted and accounted
for and the totals for all the candidates on the
ballot are fully tallied, the final results will be
publicly announced and then posted at each Voting
Center for all to see and record.
form and ballot-style from the CC2009 website, fill
it out with indelible ink, have it notarized and
then give or fax it to a voter to “walk it in” to a
Voting Center on Election Day. (Each “walk-in”
voter on Election Day will be allowed to deposit up
to two total ballots at the Voting Center: his/her
own and one from one other qualified voter from
his/her state who is either homebound or in the
DISABLED VOTERS will call a special number to receive a Disabled Voter's
kit. Complete instructions will be available on the
CC2009 website.
The nominee receiving the most votes in each state
(and the District) will be the CC 2009 Delegate from
his/her state with the responsibility of casting
the vote for or against each Resolution to be voted
on at the Continental Congress.
The nominees receiving the next two highest vote
counts in each state will round out the three-person
delegation to CC 2009 from that state.

You can learn more about the incredible work that
Vicki and Karen have done through their respective
organizations Vote Rescue and Coalition
for Visible
Ballots at
http://www.voterescue.org and
Continental Congress 2009:
TV Advertisements, aka “Liberty Shorts”
We are developing a portfolio of 30 second messages which we would like
to have broadcast by the five TV networks. We will
need to pay for the air time unless the networks
agree to air them as Public Service Announcements (PSA).
Here are a couple of works in progress:
Jefferson Prediction -
spot v 2
Does Not Defend Itself
spot v 1
Any willing network affiliate in any community will eventually be able to
download each such advertisement for broadcast in
their service area. We anticipate network affiliates
across America may accept these “shorts” as PSA’s
individually and will direct the State Coordinators
to initiate the appropriate contacts with the local
stations to place them.
Continental Congress 2009:
Radio Advertisements
Each such TV advertisement will be converted into a
downloadable 30 second message for broadcast by any
radio station.
Continental Congress 2009:
Viral Marketing via IT
Each such TV advertisement will be suitable for
distribution and marketing over the Internet via
email, YouTube, Face Book, MySpace and so on.
Continental Congress 2009:
Jekyll Island Documentary and Dedication Scroll
Last month’s meeting of leaders of the American Freedom movement at
Jekyll Island represents a significant milestone in
the drive for Continental Congress 2009.
A documentary DVD of the Jekyll Island Project is currently under
development. It will include a segment on the train
ride, the Opening Ceremony, the Special Ceremony in
the Federal Reserve Room, a collection of the five
minute speeches by each of the leaders, each of the
Patriotic Presentations, and much more. Many of the
segments will be prepared for YouTube.
Here are a few short previews:
Train Ride to
Jekyll Island
Patrick Henry at
Bob Schulz
Opening Ceremony
Jekyll Island Opening -
its ready,
the DVD will be available for purchase through the WTP online store. Stay tuned
for announcements! All proceeds will go to
Continental Congress 2009.
Here are a few still photos of the Jekyll Island attendees and events:

Liberty Leaders in Federal Reserve Room at
Jekyll Island holding Dedication Scroll signed
by all. |

On the veranda outside the main meeting room at
Jekyll Island. |

Karen Renick and Klaus Tode (who traveled from
Germany) |

Rob Gray, Michael Badnarik and Edgar Steele on
the train to Jekyll Island. |

One of the two Gadsden Flags flown above the
turret atop the Jekyll Island Club during our
meeting |

Ed Griffin receiving one of the Gadsden Flags
flown above the Jekyll Island Club. |

Bob Schulz receiving the other Gadsden Flag
flown above the Jekyll Island Club. |

Gary Franchi, Jon Stadtmiller and Karen Renick
on the train to Jekyll Island. |

Bob Schulz congratulating the Amtrak Chef for
the delicious crab cake dinner entrée.

Katherine Albrecht, Vickie Karp, Karen Renick
and Judy Schulz on the train to Jekyll Island. |

Adam Kokesh on the train to Jekyll Island, along
with Ernie Hancock behind the camera, and
cameramen James Allen Walker and Aaron.

Catherine Bleish and Ray Powell on the train to
Jekyll Island. |

Ed and Patricia Griffin at Jekyll Island. |

Opening ceremony at Jekyll Island with founding
documents on display. |

Ueli Rohrer (who traveled from Switzerland to
participate in the historic meeting at Jekyll
Island), Judith Whitmore and Michael Traines,
preparing to add their voices and acting skills
during one of the patriotic ceremonies.

Robert Crooks, Creg Maroney and Karen Renick at
Jekyll Island. |

Paul Venable and Edgar Steele at Jekyll Island. |

Daneen Peterson, Gary Franchi and George
Shepherd at Jekyll Island.

Gary Franchi, Bob Schulz, Rob Gray and Michael
Badnarik at Jekyll Island. |

Lt. Cdr. Eric Cunningham (Ret.) at Jekyll
Island. |

Bob Schulz on the train to Jekyll Island. |

Deborah Stevenson, Estelle Stevenson and Edgar
Steele by the bus that transported train riders
from Jesup, Georgia to Jekyll Island. |

Jon Roland in Federal Reserve Room during
ceremony and signing of the Dedication Scroll. |

Bob and Ed on bus from train station to Jekyll
Island Club Hotel. |
One of the highlights of the time spent at the Jekyll Island Club was the
effort made to establish a New Righteous Record for
America in the Federal Reserve Room where the
banking cartel was originally conceived in 1910.
This New Record was established through a special
ceremony whose centerpiece was the Reading and
Signing of a Dedication Scroll.
The words on the Scroll speak to the heart of every
American and include a re-dedication to the
Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and
the Bill of Rights as the Governing Documents of our
Land and our belief that a complete and
unconditional return to obedience to these is the
ONLY way to save and restore America.
For those who were present in the Federal Reserve
Room, reading and signing the Scroll was a profound
and intensely emotional experience. It became very
clear to us at that time that the Scroll was meant
to Go Forth to all the freedom-loving people in
America for their signatures. Thus has begun an
effort to send copies of the Scroll to each state –
eventually in a hard bound cover with engraved gold
letters WE THE PEOPLE OF _______-- along with
attachment pages, so that citizens everywhere can
sign it. In our next mailing, we will announce
details of the Scroll plan.

Continental Congress 2009:
The costs of CC 2009 fall into five principal categories:
The cost of informing and educating the body politic about
the Continental Congress: what it is, why it is
being convened, what the issues are, what’s at stake
and the importance of reaching a critical mass of
people (5% or more) willing to consider the
justification of the course of action recommended by
the delegates to the Continental Congress 2009 to
bring the government back under the control of the
The cost of transporting, lodging and feeding up to 153
The cost of licensed stenographers and preparing an official,
written transcript of the proceedings.
The cost of live web casting of the entire proceedings.
The cost of a team of professional independent contractors
required to organize and manage the myriad of tasks
required for a successful Continental Congress
Contingencies: special AV equipment, transportation costs for
delegates who need financial assistance, service
fees, overruns, etc.
Our best estimate of are as follows:
$1.3 million for Media Buys for July thru October.
$100K for event sponsorship (Freedom Keeper events
that will help leverage awareness)
$300K for lodging and meals for delegates and
$50K for stenographic services.
$600K for live Web Casting
$200K for ten (10) Independent Contractors for six
(6) months
$300K for contingencies and miscellaneous
logistics costs
everyone helps a little, we believe we have the
viable means to bring the news about CC2009 to every
corner of our nation and raise the funds needed to
successfully host and produce the Continental
Congress 2009 event.
Continental Congress 2009:
Fundraising via the "20-20-100" campaign
To raise two million dollars in the near term, we are asking 20 people in
each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia
to donate $100 to WTP, and to do their best to get
20 other people (businesses, friends and family
member, etc.) to donate $100 to WTP. 51 x 20 x 20 x
$100 = $2,040,000.
We have prepared a
that can be used by each participant to approach
other potential donors in their state.
As a CC2009 fundraiser, WTP is now also offering the
CC2009 .999 pure silver
Round for a nominal donation of $100 under the
20-20-100 fundraising project. (See offer just
For every $100 donation
we receive through this special
WTP online store
link or by specific written request via mail, we
will ship you (1) one .999 pure Silver Round
commemorating the historic CC2009 event.
Offer commences July 4th, 2009.
Continental Congress 2009:
Fundraising via Republic Magazine
The publisher of Republic Magazine is currently working on a “Special
Edition” focused solely on the 2009 Continental
Congress as a fundraiser for the event. Each of the
25 leaders who attended the Jekyll Island event will
be featured on a half page. The Special Edition will
also include two articles by Bob Schulz, one about
the first
Continental Congress in 1774 and one
on the importance of
Continental Congress 2009. Stay
tuned for more info on this highly-anticipated
We The People and the 2009 Continental Congress are featured in this
month’s edition of Republic Magazine titled “The
Second American Revolution”.
Republic Magazine exposes the issues that threaten our liberty in a
high-quality, professional magazine. Their printed
edition is professionally produced and rivals the
mainstream newsstand publications.
Both the printed and digital editions are great tools for activists to
spread the message. They also offer a free digital
subscription for those who can’t afford a
printed subscription or that want to send out the
magazine virally on line. Please show your support
for their hard work and advancement of the cause.
You can subscribe to the printed magazine, get
activist copies in bulk or download the digital
edition here:
Continental Congress 2009:
Fundraising via the Continental Congress Round
On May 25, 2009, we announced that the American Open
Currency Standard has produced a stunning
hand-crafted one-ounce Round of.999 Silver in order
to commemorate the historic Continental Congress
2009 event honoring the Constitution.
To support the historic Jekyll Island event, a
donation was made of 40 silver rounds to We The
People Foundation. WTP, in turn, chose to pass the
gift along to those volunteers who worked so long
and hard toward the success of the Jekyll Island
As a CC2009 fund raiser, WTP is offering the Silver
Round for a nominal donation of $100.
We are now integrating this offering with our
20-20-100 fundraising project (See just above)
For every $100 donation
we receive through this special online store link
(ONLY) we will ship you (1) one .999 pure Silver
Round commemorating the historic CC2009 event.
Offer commences July 4th, 2009.
Click here for more details and to
order yours through the
WTP online store.

Continental Congress 2009:
of the New
Page" for all things WTP and CC2009!
We have long recognized the need to “rearrange the furniture and apply a
new coat of paint” to our principal, branded website
In anticipation of the many new visitors that will
find their way to our website as word of the
Continental Congress 2009 spreads across the nation
though our upcoming advertisements and marketing
activities, reads across the nation, we have finally
given our website "front porch" a face lift and are
also developing a series of new, high-impact
media-rich information pages devoted specifically to
all aspects of the CC2009 initiative.
Included in the upgrade is an overhaul of the public
WTP Congress state and county web pages which will
feature improved functionality and a significantly
improved "look and feel."
Although it's not quite complete yet,
click here to see a
what's coming soon...
Be sure to also click through on one of the 50 state
links to see an "under construction" preview of the
new county and state pages. You can also now access
Island Project website which has just
been made public.
On May 13, 2009 we posted an update about our case against the AIG and
$700 billion bailouts. The article included a link
to our BRIEF to the United States Court of Appeals.
This week we filed our REPLY BRIEF. It was only one page, so we post it
below in its entirety. You can
RIGHT-click here
to download the Government’s Brief contesting our
appeal to the Second Circuit.
More dangerous to the health of the Republic than
seems evident, as in an insidious disease, is
defendants’ cunning Statement of the Case, Standard
of Review, analysis and recommended treatment. Have
Defendants no honor with regard to the facts, the
Law or their ethical obligations both as attorneys
and as counsel for the United States Government and
the (privately-owned) Federal Reserve?
The truth is this case was not brought by Schulz as
a taxpayer objecting to putting taxpayer
money at risk as (falsely) stated by defendants
(Brief, 2). The truth is this case was brought by
Schulz as a natural born citizen whose
natural, individual, unalienable Rights, Liberties
and Freedoms are protected by the U.S. Constitution
(A-12, par 4), who brought forth one, and only one,
cause of action in the lead case (i.e., the
agreement with AIG is ultra vires and
unconstitutional) (A-13), and who brought forth one,
and only one, cause of action in the member case
(i.e., the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of
2008 is ultra vires and unconstitutional)
With malicious artifice and stratagem, Defendants
would undermine the Republic, conning this Court in
order to induce it to state this case is something
it is not, and to permit the government defendants
to act outside the Constitution – i.e., without any
authority granted to them by the People.
Sophisticated government defendants have a plain and
unambiguous duty to speak to Plaintiff’s true, and
concisely articulated constitutional challenges as
presented in the court below and argued in his Brief
to this Court. Defendants’ failure to do so is
admission of treason to the Constitution.
Defendant’s artful Brief rises to the level of
frivolity, if not outright duplicity.
Dated: June 17, 2009
2458 Ridge Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
On May 11, 2009 we posted an update about our NCEL case. The article
included the news that the Court had issued an
Order, setting forth a schedule for discovery and
directing the case to proceed to a jury trial.
This week, as required, we provided the State’s attorney with our initial
list of individuals and documents we believe have
discoverable information we may rely on in support
of our claims.
Click here and
here to view copies of our
submissions. We thank the many individuals and
organizations across the country who are hearing
about this case and offering their assistance.
Click here for
U.S. District Court's Pre-Trial Scheduling Order.
For many years, we have envisioned the day when citizen vigilance centers
– appearing as mini-Monticello structures - in each
state, would represent the True Citizenship of
Americans, who will make priority the need to
protect and defend their governing documents by
holding government officials accountable.
Join us in holding this picture! This will come to pass.
Do Not Be Fooled – Discrimination and Discernment
We are living in a time when many people and
organizations pretend to be one thing, when under
the surface they may be something entirely
different. Be vigilant. Listen closely with your
heart. Don’t be fooled. Trust your gut. Actions
speak louder than words. Many will talk about
freedom or pretend to represent freedom for
America. Many will talk about the Constitution as
though they are followers and defenders of Its
Directives. See if what they say and what they do
add up. It is very SIMPLE. If they are not
following the Constitution, all else is treason
against America.
As we all awaken to the need to take greater action now in this critical
time, we invite you to examine all that WE THE
PEOPLE FOUNDATION and its predecessor organizations
have tried to do over these past 30 years. Educate
yourself. Help us to become the True Fulfillment of
our name. Stand up for America. Tell your friends
and families there are solutions. Help others to
channel their frustrations, angers and complaints
into constructive action-oriented activities that
will make a difference.
We can stand together as ONE VOICE for America now, remembering that the
cause of America is truly the cause of the world.
What we do in the days ahead is not just for us, but
to hold tight and pass the Torch of Liberty to
millions within and beyond our shores and for all
future generations to come.
There is room for every one of you to join with us to make Continental
Congress a reality. At
you will see our current interactive U.S. map. Click
on your state and help us to build an organization
that stands strong and far above parties, politics
and personalities, bringing our Founding Documents
back into clear view.
Click here to access WTP’s
secure donation system.
Please consider making a
generous one-time donation
or establishing a monthly, recurring subscription donation.
Thank you for
generous support.
Please remember that your
tax-deductible donations are the sole
source of funding the Foundation's
Continental Congress 2009
project work and the NCEL federal lawsuit.
Click here to
access the CC2009 state-specific
donate buttons.
WTP CC2009
"Tea Party" Flyer (1-page)
RIGHT-Click here to download the
CC2009 "tri-fold" brochure.