Independence Hall,
Philadelphia |
Patriots and
Friends of We The People Foundation:
As I write this letter, I realize how many of you
have been receiving WTP information and updates over
many years. I have been so grateful for your
interest, support, strength and encouragement on
this challenging journey, to protect and defend the
letter and spirit of our Constitution of The United
States of America. |
Since its inception, WTP has stood for
Constitutional Obedience without exception, striving
to hold our elected officials accountable to the
finest governing documents ever given to mankind.
Anything less than full compliance with our
Constitution and Bill of Rights is unacceptable.
After years of rationally and intelligently
Petitioning the Government for Redress of violations
of numerous provisions of the Constitution with no
reasonable response, and especially now as
violations to the Constitution escalate with
devastating effects on our country and citizens, we
have turned our focus to Continental Congress 2009
knowing that this is the appropriate next step for a
FREE People to take.
Since last December, we have been diligently working
to convene a Continental Congress for America from
November 9th through the 24th,
to conclude on
the eve of
Thanksgiving holiday.
Over the years, I have learned well that anything worth having does not
come easily. We are in need
immediate funding for this project. We here
at WTP have done everything we can to lay out the
Vision; prepare the way for its fulfillment and set
in motion that which will bring success.
It is now up to you, The People, to support it or
not. It is up to The People to join with us to carry
it forward. It is up to The People now to stand
together in number to make the difference that will
save America.
I am asking every person on this list, if they
feel to do so, to contribute
this cause,
so we can move forward.
Use this
special WTP e-store link
to donate $100 and receive
1-oz, .999 pure silver CC2009 commemorative
If every person who receives this email takes
request seriously and cares enough to follow
through, the event can be completely funded by those
who are nearest and dearest to this organization.
Through your contributions, we will be able to:
sign the final contract and announce the venue where
153 delegates will be lodged and fed for seventeen
days (at no cost to the Delegates, except
their travel expense);
sign a contract for worldwide live streaming
Internet broadcast of the complete daily
deliberations, debates and decision making process;
sign a contract for stenographic services to prepare
a written (legal) transcript of the entire CC2009
promote public awareness of CC 2009 by paying
television and radio stations to broadcast our
just-produced set of CC 2009 advertisements (seven,
30-second, nifty spots complete with our new
branding logo); and
a small stipend to full-time team members needed to
manage the vast administrative, logistical and
technology details, and cover the myriad costs
associated with such a large-scale national event.
Through your contributions, delegates from every
state will be able to come together, as our Founding
Fathers did, to present the facts before the world
of what is and has been taking place, and decide
what can be done peacefully and legally to end the
violations of our Constitution before it is too
There is so much at stake in America now. What I
feel to do is inspire you to look at what our
country would be if we did an about-face and enough
Americans demanded a return to the Constitution. If
you accept the fact that our governing documents
were given to us by “Divine Providence,” through our
Founding Fathers, then you must know that adherence
to its Principles and Provisions is the recipe to
Fulfill the Ideal of "life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness" for every individual.
Remember, please, that the cause of America is still
the cause of the World. The lamp of Liberty was
fully lit here, as nowhere else. Our governing
show the Path of Liberty for peoples and countries
all over the Earth,
opposition to the darkness of tyranny and
I Pray we can count on your willingness to support
CC 2009’s purpose of ending the violations of our
I Pray we stand together to prevent Liberty from
yielding and government from gaining ground.
I Pray you do not put off till tomorrow what needed
doing today.
I Pray the ordinary, non-aligned People, as well as
the rich and highly accomplished are our dependence
for continued Freedom.
I Pray that every man would contribute to the
defense of the greatest governing documents ever
given to mankind and the preservation of True
I Pray that every man would ask himself how he would
act were all the world looking at him, then act
I Pray that every man would ask himself how he would
answer his grandchild’s question, “Where were you
when America lost Her Freedom?” then act
I Pray that every man would ask himself how he would
answer his grandchild’s question, “What did you do
during America’s coup de main?” then act
I Pray that the free among us will enlist for
service in an army
centuries and legions.
I Pray that it is in our lives, not our words that
our patriotism will be read, for deeds speak louder
than words.
I Pray that the Constitution would be the object of
conscientious regard and pursuit – becoming the
religion of our land.
I Pray that you will dream the Dream of Continental
Congress 2009 with
for our shared
Vision will multiply and spread across America,
and will restore the lost luster of the history of
the past.
I Pray knowing that critical analytical reasoning is
now necessary, then action according to the dictates
of your reason.
I Pray for understanding that Government is always
the enemy of Freedom and an enemy generally says and
believes what he wishes.
I Pray for understanding that the Liberty of
thinking and acting freely guards our other
I thank you for the support you have given in the
past, in whatever way you have felt to give it. I
can assure you that every dollar you give now will
be used for CC 2009 in defense
our Founding Documents, in a manner that is
worthy of those Patriots of Old who gave their
lives, fortunes and sacred honor to constitute a
government of, by and for the People.
May all Americans
carry the knowing in their hearts that America
was given by God to the Free. The same God who gave
us Life, gave us Liberty!
This same God will see the Free People of
America through this time to a Right Outcome.
Thank you for your time and consideration of my
In Liberty and with Blessings for you and your
loved ones,
Robert L. Schulz ("Bob")
Use this
WTP e-store link
to donate $100 and receive
1-oz, .999 pure silver CC2009
commemorative medallion
Use any
major credit card, PayPal
or you can mail in your donation:
Mail-in Donate form
mailed, please note CC2009 offer)
online donations made to WTP
through our "general" donation links are NOT
eligible for the CC2009 medallion offer.
"State-specific" donations through our state PayPal
buttons are likewise, NOT eligible for the
CC2009 medallion offer.
Click here to
and receive the CC2009 silver medallion.
Be sure to check out our new website
content and state/county web pages!
The purpose of CC 2009 is to add a period to the end
of the “Liberty Sentence” – i.e., government
accountability for violations of
individual, unalienable Rights guaranteed by the
Constitution of the United States of America.
The Right to Liberty and Freedom from unrestrained
acts of Government has been evolving over a long
period of time. Key historic milestones have been
the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, our
Declaration of Independence and America’s State and
Federal Constitutions.
However, there is one remaining milestone to be
achieved before individuals can say, “We are Free”:
the ability of the individual to hold government
officials accountable when they violate any
of the remaining provisions of the
No matter the number of enumerated and un-enumerated
individual Rights guaranteed by the Constitution,
they are meaningless unless, when violated, the
individual is able to hold their government
officials accountable. It’s well settled in American
Jurisprudence that “any Right that is not
enforceable is not a Right.”
It is self-evident that individual Rights are
eviscerated in the absence of recognition of the
individual’s unalienable Right of accountability
(enforcement). For that reason,
scholars refer to the Right to hold the government
accountable as the “Capstone Right” -- the Right
that caps all the others.
While a self-evident Truth, the Founders included a
written guarantee of the Right of accountability
in the First Amendment, as an absolutely
necessary and critical part of the overall balance
of power between the People and Government
However, the Right of accountability has been
all but forgotten by the People. Until relatively
recently, there has been little cause for them to
claim and exercise the Right.
These are tough times; a struggle of historic
proportions is underway between those who do not
believe that the rights of the majority are tempered
by the minority and the individual under the rule of
law and those that do.
Before Americans can truly say, “The God who has
given us Life has given us Liberty” - that is,
before the evolution of Liberty can be said to be
complete, one elusive milestone needs to be
achieved: a clear and resounding demonstration of
the individual’s Right to hold government officials
accountable to the rest of the Constitution.
The result would be an enormous shift of power from
the Government back to the People where the ultimate
power was meant to reside in the first place.
The mettle of the Constitution is, indeed, tested in
tough times. Enter Continental Congress 2009.
If Continental Congress 2009 can realize its
purpose, the American people will have, for the
first time, an opportunity to experience the
Fullness of the Gifts intended for each of us,
realizable only by obedience to our Founding
Documents. Our people do not know what they are
missing! If the outcome of Continental Congress
2009 is realized -- a Nation that Beholds and
Embraces Its Constitution -- what advantages would
show themselves in our daily lives.
No more undeclared wars that undermine the economy,
the family and the Constitution.
No more gifting of public money and credit to
private corporations for decidedly private purposes,
which undermines the economy, the family and the
No more debt-based, fiat currency that undermines
the economy, the family and the Constitution.
No more direct, un-apportioned taxes on labor that
undermine the economy, the family and the
No more War on Terror with its developing Police
State, which undermine the economy, the family and
the Constitution.
No more unenforced immigration laws that undermine
the economy, the family and the Constitution.
No more counting votes in secret, a practice that
undermines the economy, the family and the
No more attempts to disarm Americans.
No more attempts to create a North American Union.
Government restraint, individual Rights and
governance by the people as a Republic under the
rule of law.
Individual Prosperity and quality of life rather
than booms and bust
Respect rather than hatred abroad
Creditor rather than Debtor status
Rule of law rather than Rule of man or Whim
Pride rather than apathy
Happiness rather than fear
A servant government rather than privileged
autocrats controlling and enslaving the rest of us.
People from each state who have a proven passion for
the Constitution as scholars, authors or activists,
and who are concerned about the course America has
been put on, coming together for up to 17 days to
discuss the state of the Constitution and what a
free People ought to do about it, constitutionally
and non-violently, consequences and practicalities
The CC 2009 delegates will hear from experts about
the factual history, meaning, effect and
significance of a specific prohibitions,
restrictions and mandates of the Constitution. Based
on documentary evidence, the Delegates will hear how
our government officials have violated/broken those
links. Based on documentary evidence, the Delegates
will hear how the People have rationally and
intelligently claimed and exercised their First and
Ninth Amendment Rights to hold those officials
accountable through formal Petitions for Redress.
Those Delegates will hear how those officials have
refused to listen or respond to the People’s
repeated Petitions for Redress.
The delegates will hear from a score of legal
scholars that under our system of jurisprudence,
“silence is admission,” and it shall ever be so with
a servant-government.
The Delegates will then deliberate, discuss, debate
and recommend a possible course of action for the
free People of America to take, consequences and
practicalities considered.
It. Be It. Help to make It Happen. The Destiny of
America lies in the heart of every American so each
person is important now to the Cause of Liberty.
And remember that...
"God can only do for what us what can be done
through us."
Use this
WTP e-store link
to donate $100 and receive
1-oz, .999 pure silver CC2009
commemorative medallion
Use any
major credit card, PayPal
or you can mail in your donation:
Mail-in Donate form
mailed, please note CC2009 offer)
online donations made to WTP through our "general"
donation links are NOT eligible for the
CC2009 medallion offer. "State-specific"
donations through our state PayPal buttons are
likewise, NOT eligible for the CC2009
medallion offer.
Click here to
donate and receive the CC2009 silver medallion.
Thank you for
generous support.
Please remember that your tax-deductible donations are the sole
source of funding the Foundation's Continental Congress 2009
project work.
here to
and receive the CC2009 silver medallion.