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August 30, 2009


Kostric and Broughton to Hold Press Conference With WTP

New: $1.00 Fundraising Campaign

Volunteers Needed to help with CC2009

Independence Hall, Philadelphia

Be sure to check out our new
CC2009 website, state/county web pages
and CC2009 activist resources!

When Mr. Obama spoke in a school in Portsmouth, NH on August 11th and at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Phoenix, AZ on August 17, there were a dozen or more ordinary citizens outside who were openly and legally carrying firearms. Two of those citizens were William Kostric from NH, and Chris Broughton from Phoenix, each of whom became instant subjects of widespread print and broadcast news reports and editorials.  

Unwittingly, or otherwise, our dominant media outlets have again covered America with a blanket of propaganda that is hardening the positions of those on both sides of America’s growing Constitutional Divide.

The coverage shows a clear pattern of biased opinion masquerading as fact that could only add to the constitutional ignorance of their readers and listeners, while steeling the anger and frustration of the Constitutionalists.  

Kostric and Broughton are long-time supporters of WTP, helping to create the record we have established regarding the Government’s failure to honor its obligation to respond to the People’s Petitions for Redress of violations of the Constitution. Both are listed on our website as Continental Congress 2009  Team Members who are working to make CC2009 a success. 

To set the record straight and to promote the potential of CC2009 to peacefully and legally bridge the Divide and relieve our national distress, Kostric and Broughton are in the process of scheduling a press conference to be held this week. They have asked and Bob Schulz has agreed to participate.

Coming on the heels of the extensive coverage given to our recent press conference regarding “Citizens Rising In Defense of the Constitution” (Google “Continental Congress 2009 Announced”), this week’s press conference should help to bring CC 2009 to the attention of hundreds of thousands of other Americans who are concerned about the direction their Country is taking, vis-a-vis the Constitution, are looking for a viable solution to the problem and want to know what they can do to help.

NEW:  Of The People – Citizens Rising in Defense of the Constitution

“We are ALL in this together: Your $1.00 Donation Makes a Difference”

As the saying goes, “Ask and it shall be given you.”

WTP’s treasury is dangerously low, given our out-going expenditures at this time to cover the costs of all the meetings and activities to date, the recent event at the National Press Club, the Jekyll Island Project, Bob’s CC2009 tour across America, the increasing costs for office, administrative and independent contractors and all the plans which are underway in preparation for Continental Congress 2009.  

We still need to raise the funds to live streaming coverage of CC 2009 and to cover the delegate, faculty and staff expenses for lodging and meals, in addition to publicity and myriad other expenses to support the event.

While we are pursuing a few fundraising projects and have had a very good response to the ongoing $100 and $50 fundraisers involving the Continental Congress 2009 commemorative silver rounds (both the 1 oz. and the ˝ oz.) we still have a long way to go! 

We have been “asking” for assistance re ideas for fundraising at the grass roots – that is, millions of people sending small amounts of money each – as well as a professional grass roots fundraiser to champion our cause.

Meet Linda Lewis.

Linda has been introduced to us by WTP’s Colorado State Coordinator, David Justice. She is an accomplished fundraiser at the grass roots who has submitted a written plan to WTP and is now working the Plan.

The Plan in a nutshell: Use the free studio and equipment at Denver Open Media to prepare four $/American Citizen Public Service Announcements – which will be offshoots of the current campaign using the Freedom Bell and the Founding Father quotes – with a view to seeking $1.00 donations from millions of people nationwide through appeals targeted to different groups, including the attendees at patriotic events, small businesses, churches, veterans organizations, etc.

Activity commences immediately. 

We will keep you updated.

You can help by sending $1 and asking others to do the same.
Send to: WTP, 2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804

You can also make your donation via our secure online system here OR participate by supporting with either a $50 or $100 donation to obtain a ,999 pure silver CC2009 commemorative medallion by clicking here.

Volunteers Needed for CC2009

As we move to make CC2009 a reality, we need help in many areas and are seeking volunteers to work with national headquarters. 

If you have time – one hour or many – please contact us at

Use this
 special WTP e-store link
donate $100 and receive
FREE 1 oz, .999 pure silver CC2009 commemorative medallion!

Just Announced!
$50 donation now gets a
FREE 1/2 oz. .999 pure
silver CC2009 medallion!

Use any major credit card, PayPal
or you can mail in your donation:
Mail-in Donate form
(if mailed, please note CC2009 offer)


PLEASE NOTE: online donations made to WTP through our "general" donation links are NOT eligible for the CC2009 medallion offer.  "State-specific" donations through our state PayPal buttons are likewise, NOT eligible for the CC2009 medallion offer.

Click here to
donate and receive the CC2009 .999 pure silver medallion.

Be sure to check out our new CC2009 website
 and state/county web pages!

Thank you for your generous support.  Please remember that your tax-deductible donations are the sole source of funding the Foundation's Continental Congress 2009 project work.
Click here to donate and receive the CC2009 silver medallion.


Please remember, the operations of the WTP Foundation
are funded
entirely by your generous support.

Video of December 8th, 2008 WTP Press Conference at the National Press Club
in Washington, DC is now on Google video.