December 13, 2006
Set ‘em Straight

How many times have you heard people refer to America as a
We hear it
all the time from relatives, friends, news reporters, local
businessmen and from media “talking heads.” We read it
regularly on Internet websites, newspaper articles
(including editorials), magazines, and even our children’s
textbooks. We even hear it from the President, members of
Congress, state and local elected officials, and educators
-- even those who possess a license to practice Law.
How many
times, in response, have you quietly mumbled under your
breath or shouted at the television, “It’s not a Democracy,
it’s a Republic !!, (insert your choice of belittling
descriptor such as dimwit, meathead, dolt, nitwit,
dunderhead, etc.)”
Those of us
who know the truth of the matter could simply ignore the
ignorant and go about our lives, but cannot for a very
compelling reason: We are a nation of Law.
The Law, as the nexus and written reference that comprises
the rules that are the essence of civilized society is
premised upon a presumption that words have precise,
definite meanings that transcend time and generations. And
the Law must be so -- for without meanings that
remain fixed in definition, understanding and historical
context, the Law becomes nothing more than a tool of tyranny
and power for those that jockey into position to control the
lexicon of the language.
Although not generally recognized as such, it is likely the
imprecise use of language and general ignorance of the
etymology of our legal and political vocabulary has
contributed significantly to the societal decay our nation
now suffers. The institutionalized abuses of language in
our written laws, our children’s textbooks, and the endless
verbiage of the media is hastening our inability to educate
our children about their civic responsibilities in
sustaining Liberty, is undermining the foundation of our
system of Justice, and is decimating the grand design of
Natural Law that is the foundation of our form of
Indeed, language is the means by which we communicate our
most complex thoughts, beliefs and dreams -- even the
grandest dreams bestowed upon us as the Founding Principles
for our nation. Indeed, within a single “word” lies the
power to either manifest our highest ideas into reality, or
to destroy them by allowing a word’s meaning or use to be
sabotaged in an attempt to forever remove those ideas from
the mass consciousness of the People.
It is no mere mistake that over many decades our People now
fail to discern any real difference between the words
“Democracy” and “Republic”, for within them we find the
distinction between Liberty and slavery. Although this is
but a single example of what we face in our quest to restore
Constitutional Order, it’s time to fight back against the
institutionalized abuse of our language -- and our Law.
It’s time to “Set ‘em Straight” about the constitutional
republic that is the United States of America.
Until now
it was not so easy. After all, few of us are capable of
being accomplished writers, speakers or linguists -- and
fewer still will acquire those critical skills in our
government-controlled learning environments.
What has been needed is a factual, well-written,
pocket-sized pamphlet that could be simply handed or mailed
to those who have made the mistake of calling our country a
“Democracy.” If people had a small supply of these in their
homes or offices and kept a couple of pamphlets on their
person or in their car when away from home, they would be
well positioned to “Set ‘em Straight.”
Thanks to
Ben LaRosa of
San Antonio,
such a pamphlet is now available.
As part of our year-end fund raising effort, we have teamed
up with Ben to make a limited number of his pamphlets, “Democracy
or Republic, Which is it?” available to Foundation
supporters. The pamphlets detail the historical meaning of
the words “democracy” and “Republic” and are an excellent
way to educate your children, friends or otherwise ignorant
American brethren about the true nature of our form of
governance. Pamphlets are available for immediate shipment.
For helping the Foundation with your (tax-deductible)
year-end donation of $40, we will send you five (5)
Please click here to
to the Foundation’s e-Store to make your donation.
Your pamphlets will be shipped promptly.
If for some reason you would like a pamphlet but do not wish
to donate using our secure online system or cannot make the
full requested donation at this time, please donate what you
can using our
printable mail-in donation form (that saves
us merchant bank and credit card processing fees) or contact
us at
As is our
policy, we will make every practicable effort to help a
limited number of supporters receive this information
regardless of their donation level.
Click here to make a
deductible donation and receive your pamphlets.
Click here to donate by mail using our
printable mail-in donation form.
Announcements Coming From WTP
Within the
next few days we will post a new update with significant
announcements regarding the plans of the Foundation. We know
these are busy days as we prepare for Christmas. However,
don’t forget to check your emails and monitor the web site.
Don't forget to obtain your 2007 Freedom Calendar!
Note from Bob Schulz: WTP
wants to thank everyone that has contributed to help the
Foundation by donating for a 2007 calendar.
strong response is deeply and greatly appreciated.
“If we expect our children to have the blessings of
Liberty they must know and understand their Rights as
our Creator intended for us,” says calendar creator Dan
Pilla Sr. “How can we expect to use our unalienable
Rights if we’ve never been taught them?”
has teamed with Dan to bring you this calendar filled
with Liberty quotes, legal citations and inspirational
thoughts as a Thank You for your support of the
Foundation and our necessary work. The multi-colored
calendars are in stock and ready to ship. Calendars will
be mailed First Class USPS.
obtain your 2007 calendar, click here
to go to
the WTP online e-store.
We again ask each of you, in
addition, to consider
your commitment in the form of an ongoing, monthly
“subscription” donation. This form of support is
needed even more than ever because it helps us plan and
budget to secure the larger, long-term objectives of our
organization. If everyone committed even a modest amount we
could accomplish many things.
These include regular purchases of national-scale media
space our Constitutional activism, the acquisition of
full-time professional resources and administrative staff,
the opening of a new national office and the utilization of
costly Internet video broadcast technology to engage those
across our nation in the fight for Liberty. Our
Foundation can accomplish much, but please remember it needs
your continuing support to make it happen.
Click here to
establish an additional monthly, recurring donation
to support the mission of the WTP Foundation.