December 15, 2006

Use ‘em Or Lose 'em

New WTP Websites

GML 2007 Conference Scheduled


Today is the 215th anniversary of the adoption of the Bill of Rights.

“A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on Earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.”  Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Madison, Dec. 20, 1787

The First Amendment would guarantee, among other unalienable Rights, the Right of the People to Petition the government for Redress of Grievances.

In celebration of this day, we urge the People to “use ‘em, or lose ‘em."

The more the People exercise and aggressively defend the Rights guaranteed by the BOR, the less likely the People are to lose them.


So, support a house of God, speak, publish, broadcast, assemble, and petition.  Join a gun club, advocate for state militias and cameras in the courtroom.  Protect your privacy, and when you serve as a juror make sure the other jurors know they have the power to consider both the facts and the law of the case.

In addition, make a personal commitment to support all organizations that are committed to educating the People about all of their unalienable Rights and Government’s limitations.

And for those that have never seen these words, in closing we offer the pertinent language from The Preamble to the Bill of Rights:

THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.” 

New Foundation and Congress Websites Are Up

WTP is pleased to announce the release of its new website structure including separate websites for the Foundation, and the WTP Congress,

We have designed these new websites to better serve and support the missions of the two organizations, to facilitate the organization of the growing range of on-line interactive functions and intellectual content of each entity, and to communicate more effectively with you -- our supporters.

The original WTP home page URL link,  will remain active and now function as a “portal page” through which any visitor can link to either the new Foundation website, or the new Congress website, or to an archive of our original GML  website.  The archive of the original www.GiveMeLiberty website contains all content as it appeared until the new sites were unveiled (December, 2006).

New updates will be posted on either the Foundation or the Congress websites, depending on the subject matter. Regardless, we will continue to email all new general-audience updates to our full mailing list.

We still have some fine tuning to accomplish and there may be cross-links may not work correctly. Please let us know if you come across something that is not working properly.

In addition, we would welcome your comments on the content of the websites. Feel free to comment about anything that you believe should be changed, deleted or added.

GML 2007

WTP is pleased to announce that it will sponsor Give Me Liberty 2007, a three-day conference to be held Thursday - Saturday, March 29-31, 2007 in Washington, DC.

The conference will focus on a number of volatile national issues that are of crucial importance to our national agenda and the future of our Republic.  The issues will be publicly debated, pro & con, by a field of well qualified experts of national renown who will examine them through the “prism” of the requirements of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Click here for the draft Agenda. Invitations have already been sent to twenty-one potential speakers of national prominence. More are on the way. Speakers will be announced as they are confirmed.

Registration details and on-line sign-up forms are being prepared and will be posted next week.

Excitement is already building here at WTP’s home office as the conference is taking shape and the United States Court of Appeals in Washington moves closer to making what will surely be an historic, landmark legal decision in WTP’s Right-to-Petition lawsuit.

More on GML 2007 in a few days.

Many Thanks

Bob Schulz again wants to give everyone a sincere Thank You for your support of our year-end fund raising call.  Hundreds of 2007 calendars have already been shipped and a second printing of the “Democracy or Republic? Which is it?” pamphlet (announced just days ago) has been ordered due to the strong demand.


To obtain your 2007 calendar, click here
to go to the WTP online e-store.

Click here to make a
tax deductible donation
and receive your pamphlets.

 “Democracy or Republic, Which is it?” is now available to Foundation supporters. 

The pamphlets detail the historical meaning of the words “Democracy” and “Republic” and are an excellent way to educate your children, friends or otherwise uninformed American brethren about the true nature of our form of governance.


We again ask each of you, in addition, to consider furthering your commitment in the form of an ongoing, monthly “subscription” donation.  This form of support is needed even more than ever because it helps us plan and budget to secure the larger, long-term objectives of our organization. If everyone committed even a modest amount we could accomplish many things.

These include regular purchases of national-scale media space for our Constitutional activism, the acquisition of full-time professional resources and administrative staff, the opening of a new national office and the utilization of costly Internet video broadcast technology to engage those across our nation in the fight for Liberty.  Our Foundation can accomplish much, but please remember it needs your continuing support to make it happen.

Click here to establish an additional monthly, recurring donation to support the mission of the WTP Foundation.