May 7, 2007
9/11: Why They Attacked Us
Bin Laden: In His Own Words
WTP: Petition For
Please sit and take a deep breath, or even two, before you
begin reading this article.
Sometimes the truth can hurt -- a lot. This may be one of
those times. It was for us.
Before continuing, please remember: we are only the
messengers; we deal with facts, not opinions; the Country
and the Government are two separate things; we will forever
love our Country and be willing to give our lives in defense
of its system of governance – as designed and set forth
in our founding document – but, we should always
distrust the Government; we avoid all political questions;
we seek only to hold those in Government accountable to
Truth, Justice and the Constitution, regardless of their
political stripes; we have confronted Democrat and
Republican administrations with equal fervor.
The last few months have been difficult ones for us. We have
gone through an uncomfortable paradigm shift in our
understanding of how our government has become unaccountable
to the People and in coming to grips with the incredible
risks our beloved Republic now faces.
We knew, of course, that the Government was bad, occasionally
breaking the rules by violating the Constitution and
refusing to be held accountable for its behavior, an
insufferable arrogance for sure, but what we did not fully
comprehend was the fact that our Government had actually
turned evil.
We now realize that the Government has apparently jettisoned
altogether its primary function as a protector and enhancer
of individual, unalienable Rights and Freedoms, Life and
Liberty, Truth and Justice. What remains of our former
Republic is merely a shadow, a cardboard movie set for our
children to marvel and for our despotic leaders hold press
The time for radical truth telling and acts of conscious
resistance is now upon us.
Osama bin Laden
We have just finished studying the report, “Messages To
the World; The Statements of Osama Bin Laden”, authored
by Osama Bin Laden, edited by Bruce Lawrence, and published
by London-based Verso Books. (available
This is bin Laden, in his own words, dating back to
1994, explaining WHY he attacked our nation’s economic and
military icons.
To our knowledge, no U.S newspaper has published any of these
statements, no
television network has broadcast any of these videos, and no
U.S. radio station has broadcast any of these audiotapes
explaining his motive.
Why not? Considering the price our nation is now paying due
to the “War on Terror,” would it not have been prudent to
take heed to the openly broadcast messages of our attackers?
What would the world be like today if the United States
Government had listened and properly responded to bin
Laden’s proper Petitions to
and the rest of the world for redress of his
grievances – decades worth of unjustified attacks and
illegal military occupations by America and Israel targeting
Muslims -- and on Muslim territory? In all likelihood,
there would have been no attack on the
World Trade
Center, no War on Terror, no Police State, and no erosion of
individual Liberties in America.
What would the world be like today if the United States
Government had listened and properly responded to bin Laden
who had been constructing and articulating a consistent,
convincing case that an attack on Islam was under way and
was being orchestrated and directed by the government of
In all likelihood, there would have been no attack on the
World Trade
Center, no War on Terror, no Police State, and no erosion of
individual Liberties in America.
What would the world be like today if, following 9-11, the
United States Government had not had conducted a telephone
conference call directing the heads of the five dominant
American television networks to agree to censor free speech,
public discourse and debate by suppressing from broadcast
any statements by bin Laden, and suppressing the horrific
video images that the rest of the “civilized” world was
watching – i.e., the pictures of the United States military
killing tens of thousands of innocent people while
intentionally bombing civilian facilities and homes in
Afghanistan. Prime Minster Blair did the same in
wrestling a similar agreement from the three T.V. networks
of the United Kingdom. In all likelihood, there would
have been more knowledge about the truth, more public
condemnation of the “coalition” governments, no invasion of
Iraq, no
Police State and no erosion of individual Liberties in
What would the world be like today if Secretary of State
Madeline Albright had not responded with, “Its worth it,”
when questioned on CBS’s 60 Minutes, about the deaths
of over 600,000 [Muslim] children in Iraq as a direct result
of malnutrition and disease directly caused by the United
States’ ten-year boycott and blockade of badly needed
medicine and food? What if there was no such boycott and
blockade? In all likelihood, there would have been no
attack on the
World Trade
Center, no War on Terror, no Police State, and no erosion of
individual Liberties in America.
Indeed, what is now apparent is
the fact that for decades preceding 9-11, the Government of
the United States of America, under the leadership of both
Democrats and Republicans, has been responsible in whole or
in part, for the
deaths of over one million innocent men, women and children
of the Middle East, and the reduction to rubble of tens of
thousands of individual homes, businesses and vital
community services in the Middle East -- and most of these
were exclusively Muslim targets.
In addition to these evil, un-Godly, un-American and inhuman
acts of terror sponsored and sanctioned by the United States
Government and the State of Israel, it is now apparent that
during this time, both Democrat and Republican
administrations have been responsible in whole or in part
for deliberately censoring from the American public the true
nature of the results of this intervention in the internal
affairs of, and on the human beings that reside in these
Middle East countries.
Given the extent of bin Laden’s public statements over many
years which explain, in stark language that Islam itself was
under attack from the combined forces of Israel and America,
and given our nation’s vast experience involving decades of
morally reprehensible meddling and intervention in Middle
East affairs, are we to believe that the U.S. Government was
honestly unaware of the intent of one Osama bin Laden --
himself a former CIA operative? Are we to believe that bin
Laden attacked us because he thought we were “too free”?
America’s Comeuppance?
Webster’s defines “comeuppance” to mean, “deserved
punishment; retribution.”
Was 9-11
comeuppance? Did America bring that day of heartbreaking and
despicable death and destruction upon itself?
Was it “payback” for something America had done or was
doing? Was it deserved?
Or are we to believe that the victims of decades of our
abuse carried out the attacks of 9-11 simply because of
America’s underlying principles of Freedom? Did they attack
us because “they hate us for our freedom?”
Unfortunately, the latter is the only motive our Government
has ever publicly attributed to Osama bin Laden, who has
taken responsibility for the attack, and no one -- not the
media, not our government, not our leaders, has dared to
openly question, “WHY DID THEY ATTACK US?”
We urge you to read the public statements of Osama bin Laden
contained in the Petition for Redress of Grievances
discussed below.
If you can read them with an open mind and an open heart, you
too may experience the pangs of the hard truth that both our
Government and our nation may in fact bear a large measure
of responsibility for the attacks of 9/11 and the current
condition of our world and our Republic.
By abandoning our spiritual principles and our founding
documents, it is now clear that we have engaged in the “War
on Terrorism” with “unclean hands.” We have allowed our
government to trample our Constitution, suppress the truth,
and finance the injury and abuse of untold human beings
across the planet -- most of whom, not coincidentally,
practice the Muslim faith.
Aside from the significant (and still unanswered) questions
regarding what foreknowledge our government may have had
about the 9/11 attacks and the collapse of the (three) WTC
skyscrapers, we trust you will find bin Laden’s words to be
most revealing and disturbing.
The implications of his statements are profound not only for
our understanding of the true causes of 9/11, but in
understanding the current state of world affairs and
understanding how a free nation -- a nation founded upon the
principles of Christianity -- financed and sanctioned the
chaos our Republic and our planet now endures.
We leave it to you and your posterity to judge who bears --
and shares -- the ultimate guilt for the attacks of 9/11.
Petition for Redress of
on our review of the book, “Messages To The World:
Statements From Osama Bin Laden” and other materials
(see list and links below), we have prepared a Petition for
Redress of Grievances regarding the United States’
unconstitutional financial aid to Israel and the unlawful
occupation of various countries in the
Middle East.
The Petition contains extensive
quotes from public statements made by Osama bin Laden over
almost two decades. The quotes detail his moral and legal
justification for his jihad [defensive war] against
both Israel and the United States.
We recommend you do not begin to
read the Petition
unless you have about an hour of quiet time to read the
material once or twice and to think carefully about what you
have read.
Those of you who have been following our articles of late
know that as we have been developing our position on the
constitutionality of the Government’s Foreign Policy in the
Middle East our research has included a study of the
following documents:
For a discussion of these documents see our articles
beginning March 18, 2007 (see
article links below)
1. The White Paper on the
Israel Lobby
by Professors Mearsheimer and Walt
Note: This document is 1.2 MB.
Please RIGHT-click to download it
onto your computer
2. The report by Jimmy Carter titled, “Palestine
Peace Not Apartheid”.
3. “Extremism
In America: Tax Protest Movement” on one
of the Israeli Lobby’s websites.
(Don’t forget to click on UPDATE)
4. “Liberating
America From Israel” by Paul Findley, the
former congressman from
5. “Support
for Israel in Congress is based on fear” by
James Abourezk, the former Senator from
6. “Inside
America’s powerful Israel Lobby” by
Gregory Levey. On
11, 2006,
7. The
failure of AIPAC to respond positively when formally
invited to participate in GML2007 to address
the facts presented by Mearsheimer, Walt and
8. The failure of the Israel Embassy to respond to our
invitation to the Israeli
Ambassador to participate in GML 2007
to address the facts presented by earsheimer,
Walt and Carter.
9. The failure of the U.S. Department of State in
DC to respond positively to our
invitation to the Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice
for a representative of the Government
of the
United States
to participate in GML 2007 to address the facts presented by Mearsheimer, Walt and Carter.
10. The positive response to our
invitation to the Palestinian Ambassador Abuznaid
for a representative
of the Government of Palestine to participate in
GML 2007. Two experts on the Palestine-Israel conflict did
attend and each attested that the information
presented by Mearsheimer, Walt and Carter was accurate.
These experts were Dr. Muhammad Hallaj, a
Palestinian, and Dr. Norman Birnbaum, a Jew.
"Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land: Media & the
Israel-Palestine Conflict"
a one hour and 19 minute
video that provides a striking comparison of
U.S. and
international media coverage of the crisis in the
Middle East,
zeroing in
on how structural distortions in U.S. coverage
have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict. This pivotal documentary exposes how the foreign policy
interests of American
political elites--oil, and a need to have a secure military base in
the region, among others—
work in combination with Israeli public relations strategies to
exercise a powerful influence
over how news from the region is reported.
the Dutch
that was created as a result
of the controversy created by Mearsheimer and
article on the Israel Lobby.
“About That Word Apartheid,”
published in
The Link by
Americans For Middle East
to download #26, "All
Eyes on
15 “Messages To the World; The Statements of Osama
Bin Laden”, authored by Osama Bin Laden,
edited by Bruce Lawrence, and published by
London-based Verso Books. (available
Additional WTP Articles about Israel and the Israel
March 18, 2007
Mid-East Policy v. the U.S.
GML 2007 to Debate Divisive Question
Click Here To Access the Update
March 22, 2007
Israel Lobby Targets
Tax Honesty Movement
Click Here To Access the Update
April 7, 2007
U.S., Israel and AIPAC: “No, Thank You”
Palestine: “Yes, Thank You”
Click Here To Access the Update
April 10, 2007
Israel Lobby
& U.S. Foreign Policy:
Apartheid and
Click Here To Access the Update
April 15, 2007
Who and What is “Israel”?
Click Here To Access the Update
to Access the Petition for Redress of Grievances
Regarding U.S. Aid to Israel which details
Osama bin Laden's justifications for the 911 attacks
Please remember:
The Landmark Right-To-Petition
Operations of
the WTP Foundation
are Funded
Solely By Your
Generous Support.