In defense of the Natural Born Citizen
clause of the U.S. Constitution, and in the wake of
last Friday’s decision by a federal judge in Berg
v Obama, we feel compelled to run a full-page ad
Click here for a copy of the ad we intend to
run if we are able to raise the money.
The cost of the ad would be between $81,000
and $93,000 depending on the day of the week we
choose for publication and the section of the paper
the ad appears in. The money would have to be
received by USA TODAY no later than 48 hours in
advance of the publication date. We would like to
run the ad in the News section during the week of
November 10. By giving USA TODAY the two-day option,
our cost would be $81,000.
The National Press Club has advised that
rooms are available at a cost of $1,000 (Holeman
Lounge, which seats 100) or $3,000 (Ballroom, which
seats up to 600). Hopefully, C-SPAN would also take
an interest in our event as they have twice before.
Make no mistake, this is not a political
advertisement. Our motive is not political.
Defending the Constitution by holding government
accountable to its mandates is what we do.
If Mr. Obama fails to prove he is a natural
born citizen who has not relinquished his American
citizenship, and refuses to withdraw from the
election process, the appropriate next step would be
a lawsuit against the state electors in New York and
elsewhere to prevent them from casting their votes
for Mr. Obama. It would be treasonous for them to do
so under those circumstances.
CLICK HERE to make your donation to the WTP
Please be generous. For instance, $1000 from 81
people who could afford it would be helpful.
Be sure to pass this email to all your lists and
encourage them to do the same.
here to see how much money we have raised
so far.
UPDATE: Our Banking Bailout Lawsuits
Under the Rules of the Supreme Court of the
United States our application to enjoin the further
transfer of public funds to A.I.G. or any other
private company under the $700 billion bailout plan
was automatically delivered to Justice Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, the Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit.
Justice Ginsberg denied the application on October
21, 2008, a full seven days after our emergency
application was filed. We did not learn of her
decision until we called the Court on Thursday,
October 23.
However, under the Court’s Rules, we then
had the right to resubmit our application to a
Justice of our choice who could then rule on the
application himself or refer the application to the
full court for a determination.
We chose Justice Antonin Scalia. Last
Thursday, October 23rd, we submitted our
application to him by overnight Express Mail.
Click here
for a copy of our letter to Justice Scalia.
We are pleased to announce that Justice
Scalia has distributed our application to the full
Court, which will decide the matter at a conference
on November 14, 2008.
Click here
for the SCOTUS docket sheet. At that time the
Supreme Court could either issue a restraining order
against the Government or deny our application. The
restraining order would stop the transfer of public
funds pending an expedited determination of the
Government’s authority to use public funds in aid of
decidedly private undertakings. If the application
is denied, the full $700 billion money could be
spent while the main case proceeds, eventually
determining the underlying question of the
Government’s authority to use public funds in aid of
private undertakings.
Click here
for coverage of the issue by the Glens Falls, Post
Star, who monitors our website and called for an
Related Links:
Click here for a copy of the ad.
Click here to make your donation to the WTP
here to see how much money we have raised
so far.
Click for the District Court's (erroneous)
decision in Berg v. Obama denying Berg
standing to raise the Constitutional issue of
Obama's citizenship status.