Ed. note:
This update regards the
upcoming historic Continental Congress 2009 event
to be held in Philadelphia directly across from
Independence Hall. As part of CC 2009,
delegates selected by the People from each of the
fifty states will convene to discuss the
Government’s ongoing violations of the
Constitution and strategies the People can employ
to peaceably curtail the abuse. Although these
violations have been widely debated for years, it
is the Government’s patent refusal to respond to
any and all First Amendment Petitions for Redress
that now compel the People to justly and actively
resist the tyranny.
We strongly encourage our readers to review
each of our
latest updates.
At a minimum, please be sure to read our “Summit
and “Line
in the Sand” web
which provide a good overview of the
constitutional crisis and CC 2009
From the initial stops on the Continental Congress 2009
promotional tour, Bob Schulz reports that public
interest in CC 2009 has been very successful with
high attendance and crowd energy levels.
Schulz, Chairman of WTP Foundation, reported excellent
turnouts at the San Antonio, Dallas and Lake Charles
area meetings. Schulz is headed west for a meeting
Thursday evening in El Paso (Jan. 8th)
and Friday evening in Phoenix (Jan. 9th).
Schulz then
heads further west for California meetings this upcoming
weekend. See the
meeting schedule for all the latest
details, times, locations, etc.
Schulz reports that he was highly pleased to see a large
contingent of younger patriots taking up the CC 2009
initiative. At Saturday’s meeting in San Antonio,
eleven young activists representing
“WeAreChangeSanAntonio.com” participated in the
event, promising CC 2009 promotional effort, using
both Internet-based tools as well as “old-school”
Schulz hopes this is an early sign, “…that young
Americans get it. Like me, they seem to have
Liberty flowing through their veins. It was so
encouraging to see them at the meeting and sharing
the energy of Freedom. They know what’s at stake and
have chosen to stand with us and defend the
Constitution.” Schulz hopes the group is a
harbinger of much needed shift in the public’s
awareness regarding the constitutional crisis that
now confronts the nation.
Next: El Paso, Phoenix & CA
Thursday, 1/8/09. El Paso, TX. 7 pm., Comfort Suites,
5034 N. Desert Blvd., El Paso, TX 79912. The hotel
phone is 915-585-2008
Friday, 1/9/09. Phoenix, AZ 7 pm. Venue:KNOCK
KNEED LOBSTER RESTAURANT, 3202 East Washington St.,
Phoenix, AZ 85034. (602) 273-1068.
Saturday, 1/10/09, San Bernardino/Riverside, CA,
1 pm. Venue: Community Room, Riverside West
Community Policing Station, 10540 Magnolia Ave.,
Riverside, CA 92505.
Sunday, 1/11/09, (South) San Francisco, CA 1 pm,
Grosvenor Best Western Hotel at San Francisco
International Airport, 380 South Airport Blvd, South
San Francisco, CA 94080
(800)722-7141, (650)873-3200, hotel website is
“DIY” Video Promotion Needed
Schulz is also calling for meeting attendees along the
promotional tour route to create “do-it-yourself”
video recordings of the full meetings and post them
(or edited versions) to YouTube or Google video in
order to foster viral awareness about CC 2009, as
well as to provide multiple “backups” of the potent
messages focusing on peaceful civil resistance that
will lie at the heart of the history-making CC 2009
proceedings in Philadelphia later this winter.
Local Assistance Still Required Here and There
Those assisting in venue selection should coordinate
their activities directly with Bob Schulz at
bob@givemeliberty.org and at 518-361-8153
(cell). Click here for the latest CC 2009 Prep Tour
meeting schedule.
Pass The Word!
Click here to download the first of our
Continental Congress 2009 promotional flyers. (.pdf
Click here for a
Press Release
you can use to bring attention to the CC 2009
project as well as your local regional promotional
meeting. (.rtf format)
suggest everyone use these materials in tandem to
contact your local media announcing the CC 2009
regional promotional meetings. The press release
can be easily modified for the specific
time/date/venue information regarding your local
meeting. Remember – Schulz’s schedule is
relatively fixed as to cities and dates. Efforts to
seek advance publicity for CC 2009 local meetings
should not be delayed, – no matter
if/when specific time/location information is
contact your local media by going to this link
and entering your zip code. Be sure to UN-check
the “include national media” links. We’d like to
arrange for local media interviews, coverage, etc
within several days preceding each local event.
Donations Needed
We are pleased to report that the minimum amount needed to
allow the Foundation to finalize its contract with
the Constitution Center (directly across from
Independence Hall) has been raised. Please remember
that the $14K advance payment only covers a minimum
contract guarantee to reserve the facility itself for the minimal time frame, while the overall costs for
hosting and promoting the full historic Liberty
project will require significant additional funding
beyond this. Please
be generous as you play an important role
in manifesting the future history of the Republic.
Remember that all donations to the WTP Foundation
are fully tax deductible.
What price Liberty?
CLICK HERE for the latest CC 2009 promotional
meeting schedule.
Thank you for
generous support. Every little bit helps.