For many weeks, WTP has been quietly planning and
making preparations for a private meeting this month
at Jekyll Island, Georgia. |
On May 21-22, Patriots who have given so much for
America and the preservation of its governing
documents -- the greatest ever given to man – will
meet at Jekyll Island where, in defense of the
Constitution of the United States of America, as now
written, they will lay the groundwork for a NEW AND
much of the evil our Republic has endured since
In 1910, a group of the world's most powerful
financiers traveled incognito by train one night
from New Jersey to Jekyll Island, Georgia to
covertly design the strategic, political and
legislative foundation needed to install the
privately-owned banking cartel that we now know as
the "Federal Reserve System."
In 1913, this private banking cartel was quietly and
fraudulently granted power by the U.S. Congress to
conjure the currency of our nation out of limitless
debt. For almost a century it has effectively
bankrolled (through populist fraud, political
deception, and financial alchemy) a broad array of
escalating, unconstitutional acts by the federal
Government. These acts, in violation of the
fundamental Rights of the People, have taken our
Republic - and the Liberty of the People - to the
brink of ruin.
On May 20th, 2009, many of the Jekyll Island
participants will board an Amtrak train in New
Jersey and travel overnight to Jekyll Island. They
will retrace the very footsteps of the global
financiers who succeeded, via stealth almost a
century ago, in seizing the monetary machinery of
our nation to finance their elitist and despotic
ends. Those attending will meet, eat and sleep in
the very same rooms occupied by the men who
endeavored to enslave us for their benefit, profit,
and power.
meeting at Jekyll Island will bring together leaders
of the Constitutional movement from across America
for the following purposes:
To participate in a bold, momentous “on-location”
event of vast potential significance to set forth a
NEW AND RIGHTEOUS RECORD for America to replace and
Redress the legacy our Republic has endured since
the events on Jekyll Island in 1910;
To make evident and secure the collaboration of
national leaders who have dedicated themselves and
their organizations to the preservation of the
Constitution and our Founding Principles.
To emerge with a shared vision and a viable plan of
action to re-ignite the Flame of Liberty within the
Hearts of our People and bring them the hope of
peacefully restoring Freedom that is the promise of
In short, while Bob Schulz has been traveling across
the nation promoting the coming Continental
Congress, WTP has been quietly arranging for many of
the leaders of the Liberty movement to convene at
Jekyll Island. With the support of these leaders,
the CC2009 initiative will move forward much faster.
Read the
letter sent from Bob Schulz to the
Sheriff of Glynn County, Georgia.
The Appropriate Next Step for a Free People
As many know, WTP is facilitating the
Continental Congress assembly that will be held
later this year.
What must the People of America do when
their elected officials decide that “[T]here are
things in the Constitution that have been overtaken
by events, by time…things that are no longer
to a modern society - things that are
inappropriate, anachronistic." ?
(Footnote 1)
What is the appropriate next step to take
when the Government’s violations of our Founding
Documents are causing the collapse of our Republic
and the suffering of our People?
What can we do, as witnesses to a system of
government that now includes routine abuses of
long-settled judicial doctrines and the People’s
Right to Due Process which deny the People not only
any modicum of Justice, but their constitutional
Awakened Americans are now faced with a
Government they no longer recognize, that follows no
charter, arrogating and usurping powers not granted
it by the Governing Documents that rule this Land.
Yet these same officials have only one oath, under
God (no less), to uphold the very Constitution!
Civic education without civic action is for
naught. This is especially true in a time when we
routinely fail to educate our children the true
history, meaning, effect and significance of every
provision of our Founding Documents. Were that
every citizen knew how the Founding Fathers meant it
to be! Each of us would be invigorated to progress
through our lives, knowing our Rights and
Government’s obligations.
If we truly grasped the need to vigilantly
defend Liberty or endure its loss, the core of our
daily lives and being would surely include a healthy
measure of active loyalty and obligation to the
Republic to ensure those in office never step beyond
the lines of power drawn by The People.
Through ignorance and apathy America has
come to rely exclusively on the electoral process to
alter public outcomes and government behavior. Is
this ultimately not a fatal mistake?
The vested, self-interest in the status-quo
and beneficence of the state so cherished by most of
our fellow citizens, must inexorably result in the
extinguishment of all constitutional limitations. As
such, it remains a virtual impossibility to restore
Constitutional Order through the electoral process.
Such remains the nature of a “democracy” – i.e.,
“mob rule.”
Even if the numbers were there to dominate
an election, our Rights do not, and must never
depend, on the will of any majority.
Our Rights are unalienable, beyond the reach of both
the tyranny of public officials and the tyranny of
the majority.
Again, we ask: What can The People do to
peacefully restore Constitutional Order and bring
under control those public servants who now seek to
restrain and destroy that which the Creator has
As we consider the contemporary necessity to convene
a new Continental Congress, our personal commitment
to such an undertaking, and the potential outcomes
of such a bold stand by the People, it is critical
to look back to the early days of our Republic and
attempt to understand the escalating crisis of
governance our Founders eventually confronted.
The parallels to events commencing in 1774
are most startling. As you read the following,
please consider that although the wheel of time has
turned many times since, and as our Founding Fathers
so eloquently foresaw, the nature of government
seldom changes and it may, once again, be now
appropriate to borrow a page out of their
Like our Founders, our Rights are being
violated by the Government.
Like our Founders, many of us have
repeatedly engaged in Petitioning the Government for
Redress in the most humble terms, over many years.
While many people may still be waking up to the
legacy of our contemporary, but failed, attempts to
Petition our servant Government, it will be
important that these Records – this train of formal
legal documents -- has been established to show the
path and pattern of the violations our People have
Pushed beyond what they determined were
beyond the tolerable limits of abuse, our Founders
convened a Continental Congress in 1774 to discuss
the facts surrounding Government’s violations of the
Rights of the People. They debated about the
People’s repeated attempts to right the wrongs
(Petitions for Redress) and the Government’s
steadfast refusal to justify its behavior or to
otherwise be held accountable. They decided what
course of action they could take in the interest of
preserving, protecting and enhancing Liberty.
We should do no less. We must do no less.
In taking a page from our Founders, We The People
Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc., has
proposed what it believes is a viable project
framework for the good of the Republic, through a
delegation of the People representing all fifty
states and the District of Columbia, to come
together, document the People’s record of our
Constitutional crisis and develop a viable, cohesive
set of activist strategies to cure the cancer of
despotism that now threatens the nation and our
This initiative has been called “CONTINENTAL
It with great hope that the We The People Foundation
and Congress now commit all our resources towards CC
2009, a national assembly Of The People, By The
People, For The People to address our crisis and
our future.
As each of our states organizes to participate,
Freedom-defending People have begun to nominate
delegates – those with a proven passion for the
Constitution - as authors, scholars or activists.
As unsettling world events continue to unfold at an
unfathomable rate, CC2009 may be our last chance to
go on record in defense of our Constitution and to
peacefully restore the Republic.
As we know, the Founding Fathers did not mince words
in their instructions to future generations who
might find themselves also faced with a rogue
government. They knew well the nature of men, the
nature of government, and value of the Divine gift
of Liberty.
That they left us the legacy of our Founding
Documents is indeed, a miracle of the highest
order. They would surely pray we ought not concede
these gifts easily.
The date and location for the formal CC 2009
assembly will be announced at the WTP Jekyll Island
event on May 22, 2009.
WTP will commit every resource we have toward the
success of CC2009, but it is ultimately up to The
People of America to decide the fate of our Nation.
I urge every citizen to learn as much as they can
about what is taking place, what our Founding
Documents guide us to do, as opposed to what we are
actually doing.
Let our People come to know the profound
Rights handed down to them through the First
Amendment Right to Petition and the power of Popular
Sovereignty that all men inherently possess and
Let’s come together against those attempting
to shred our Constitution and seize our Freedoms.
Despite the discord and despair our nation
now endures and the escalating risks to Liberty our
People face daily, our Republic’s brightest days may
yet lie just ahead.
It’s time to awaken. It’s time to do something.
A Personal Note from Bob Schulz
It has occurred to me, as I have spent time with the
People of each state during the past four months,
that this is not a time to “curse the darkness,” but
to Rise Above and give all we have to give for the
Cause of Liberty through hearts filled with hope and
There is much around us trying to bring us down: to
dissuade us, to stop our efforts, to convince us we
are imagining things, to take us off our Path. Let
us not look there. Let us keep our hearts and our
Vision High on that which our Creator gave to
America, through our Declaration of Independence,
our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.
Let us join together, share the sum total of our
efforts to bring Justice Truth and Right for our
citizens and see the Pathway ahead for the
Continental Congress, in the Spirit of our Founding
Let us try to be worthy to follow in their
footsteps, set aside our differences where these may
have blocked us in the path, and stand now together,
facing the future, with determination and gratitude
that we have been shown a peaceful means, a legal
means, a means prepared for us by our Forefathers –
those on whose words and examples we have all
benefited and been fortified.
I urge you to please place a high priority on and to
pray for the success of both the Jekyll Island
Project and the Continental Congress 2009.
I am so grateful to my wife Judy, to our national
coordinators (Michael Badnarik and Brian Smylie), to
our 50 State Coordinators and the members of their
teams, and to many others who have been providing,
on a volunteer basis, so much of their time and
talent toward the success of the WTP organization,
the Jekyll Island Project and the Continental
Congress initiative, especially Judith Whitmore,
Amanda Moore, Ray Powell, Mike Bodine, Jan Graber,
Ilona and Paul Blakely and Dr. Bob Frady. Note: For
thirty years I, too, have been volunteering my time
in the defense of my State and Federal
Beyond the services provided by the volunteers,
there are goods and services which we will need to
contract and finance.
For the Jekyll Island Project
WTP is paying for a private lunch meeting for the
Freedom organization leaders; we are sharing
expenses of those group leaders who need
assistance; we have chartered a bus to transport
people from the train station to the Jekyll Island
Club; we are paying the expenses of the WTP staff
needed to be on hand: we have a professional team of
photographers and videographers to record the entire
event; we have a very special “patriotic visitation”
planned which requires a number of professional
resources; and we have costs associated with other
logistics involved in hosting the 2-day event.
All in all, an investment of tens of thousands of
dollars is needed to bring the leaders of the
national Liberty movement together to begin to
organize to make CC2009 a reality for We the People.
For the historic Continental Congress 2009 assembly:
This multi-week event will require significant
financial backing to cover the meeting venue,
stenographers, a live national webcast, technology
support, travel, hotel/lodging costs and a host of
other all-too-easily-imagined expenses associated
with informing and educating the People of our
nation about our constitutional crisis, the promise
of the CC2009 event and the need to choose delegates
of exceptional caliber to represent the People.
We need everyone to make a solid, personal commit to
this most vital Liberty project and begin to make
to help us cover the enormous costs that will be
incurred to host these two events. Please be as
generous as you can. Quite frankly, we cannot
succeed without you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us as we move
forward on this journey together. If there is any
leader of any organization who has been wholly, and
demonstrably dedicated to the cause of Liberty and
our Constitution, but who has been left off of our
list and you feel should be part of the gathering at
Jekyll Island, please let us know immediately by
email at HonorAmerica@comcast.com.
Thank you for your time and for all that each of you
do, and are yet to do, for the cause of Liberty,
Freedom and the Rights of Man.
Bob Schulz
Click here to access WTP’s
secure donation system.
Please consider making a
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or establishing a monthly subscription donation.
Thank you for
generous support.
Please remember that your
tax-deductible donations are the sole
source of funding the Foundation's
Continental Congress 2009
project work.
Click here to
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donate buttons.
WTP CC2009
"Tea Party" Flyer (1-page)
RIGHT-Click here to download the
CC2009 "tri-fold" brochure.