Independence Hall,
Philadelphia, PA |

Pheasant Run, St. Charles, IL
As we ponder our activities of 2009 we are overtaken with a feeling of
thankful appreciation for the increasing attention
our Charters of Freedom are receiving from a growing
number of Patriots concerned about the course our
Parties and elected officials are steering for
We are particularly grateful for the marked attention and thoughtful
consideration given to Continental Congress 2009 by
so many People, clearly emanating from nothing more
than their love and loyalty to their country and
devotion to the welfare of the Constitution and the
Rule of Law.
CC 2009 would not have become true to life and successful without the
support of a cast of thousands, voluntarily granted
without obligation, charge or payment, guided merely
by what they saw as correct reasoning and the logic
of a better course.
The CC 2009/Articles of Freedom experience are a clear indication of the
readiness of Freedom-seeking People to respond to
stimuli that is appropriate, complete and thorough.
We honor and hold in high esteem all who contributed their ideas, time
and talents in one way or another. America owes them
a debt of gratitude.
They all deserve our thanks and praise: those,
including WTP’s state and county coordinators who
made the arrangements for us to introduce and
explain the concept of Continental Congress 2009 at
88 venues in all 50 states between Jan 3rd
and May 1st ; those who attended those
meetings and signed the Citizen Participation Forms
(offering to assist with the planning and
development of CC 2009); those who participated in
and contributed to the success of the Jekyll Island
coalition building event on May 21-22 (including the
leaders of liberty-oriented organizations, those who
planned the Freedom Scroll ceremony in the Federal
Reserve Room and who wrote and staged the highly
professional and educational Patriotic
Presentations); those who wrote the historic CC
2009 Election Handbook and organized and supervised
the election of the Delegates; those who ran for
election; and, those who voted for the Delegates on
October 10th.
We also wish to thank the national experts who
came to Continental Congress to address the
Delegates on the historical context and purpose (and
current violations) of individual provisions of the
Charters of Freedom, and who took the time to meet
with the Delegates to share their knowledge and
ideas on how to end those violations; those who
produced and recorded the live, 11-day video webcast
of the entire proceedings; and, those on the
interdisciplinary management team who planned and
organized CC 2009 and who handled all the scheduled
and unscheduled activities, problems and
personalities with an extraordinary degree of poise
and professionalism.
And of course, we owe many thanks to the Delegates
who sacrificed their time and financial resources to
attend CC 2009 in St. Charles, Illinois from
November 11-22, and whose character, loyalty,
courage and patience were tested time and time again
as they deliberated and debated no less than 14
serious, on-going violations of the Constitution,
and as they voted on the specific Instructions to
Government and courses of action for the free People
of America to end those violations.
Finally, we thank all those who contributed to the success of CC 2009 by
donating money to help cover the significant
expenses of this historic event.
Thank you one and all.
We look forward to 2010 as we work to bring the
of Freedom to the attention of the body politic
and seek the support of 5%.
Happy New Year!
Our Year-End Fundraiser:
The 2010 Freedom Calendar Packages
This year again, we are offering a series of
Freedom Calendar “packages” as premiums for your
much-appreciated donations. We have tried to
design the donation packages to provide you –
our fellow defenders of Liberty, the materials
you need to expose others to the We The People
organization and important work on the forefront
of the defense of the Constitution.
Click Here to donate and
receive your
WTP 2010 Freedom Calendar Package
to the WTP
General Fund here:

Donations are fully
tax-deductible |
obtain the .999 pure silver CC2009 Commemorative Medallion, click on this
WTP e-store link |