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February 6, 2010





Independence Hall, Philadelphia, PA





Pheasant Run, St. Charles, IL, (CC2009)

AIG and $700 Billion Bailout Cases

On March 11, 2010, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Manhattan will hear oral arguments on Schulz v. Federal Reserve, et al. (AIG Bailout) and Schulz v U.S. Executive Department, el al. ($700 Billion Bailout of Financial Institutions: “TARP”).

Bob is demanding the Court identify where in the Constitution it says the People have given the federal government the power to give or lend public money to any private entity for a definitively and decidedly private purpose.

These two constitutional challenges had been consolidated by the lower court.

Ignoring Bob’s Individual Right to a government that does only what the People have authorized it to do, in writing, the lower court dismissed Bob’s cases for “lack of standing,” saying the Court had no jurisdiction to hear Bob’s case because Bob’s harm was no different from everyone else’s in the country, implying that Bob should take the matter up with the political branches via the will of the majority.

The Court of Appeals will now decide the question.

The links for the key legal documents in the record of the lawsuit follow:
AIG Bailout Complaint
TARP Bailout Complaint
DOJ’s Motion to Dismiss

WTP’s Appeal to the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals
DOJ’s Response to WTP Appeal
WTP’s Reply to DOJ's Appeal Response
(1 page)

National Clean Election Lawsuit (“NCEL”) Case

Our readers may remember this is our Petition to the federal District Court in Albany, New York, to remedy violations of our individual Right to know that our votes are being accurately counted, by prohibiting voting systems that count the votes in secret (as do all machines, whether electronic or mechanical).

Bob Schulz and John Liggett are the remaining Plaintiffs in the case against the four individual members of the New York State Board of Elections, the remaining Defendants.

Last year, the Court authorized discovery and granted our request for a jury trial.

While Bob and John have fully complied with the State’s request for certain documents, the State defendants have refused to produce any of the documents demanded of them, until Bob and John sign a very broad Confidentiality Agreement.

Last week we filed a motion with the Court, seeking an Order to prevent the State from continuing to avoid its duty to produce the documents requested of them. The Court is expected to rule on the motion this week.

The original complaint and other key documents making up the record of the lawsuit can be read here.

WTP’s New Website:

If you have not already done so, please send a message to everyone on your mailing list, encouraging them to go to the website, read the Articles, take the Pledge and study the Plan. 

Please Note:  The FREE People of America do not need agree with everything in the Articles of Freedom to sign the Pledge or to agree to join together to take a Stand for the Restoration of our Constitution. 

We invite you to study each Article and learn as much as you can about what is taking place, so your actions are conscious, deliberate and aligned with that which will restore Prosperity and Peace to our People.  Individuals and small groups cannot prevail, nor even large organizations, dedicated to Freedom, in the Cause that is before us.  While we all surely have a role to play in our own arenas, the Articles of Freedom represent the only document we know of at this time, that provides a plan for the People, wholly transcendent of politics, parties or personalities that can restore our Constitutional Republic.

We are grateful for anything you feel to do to support our efforts to bring together this plan for America at this time.

Donations of any size can be made through our PayPal account
(*NO* PayPal account is necessary, all major credit cards accepted).


Our Year-End Fundraiser:
The 2010 Freedom Calendar Packages

This year again, we are offering a series of Freedom Calendar “packages” as premiums for your much-appreciated donations.  We have tried to design the donation packages to provide you – our fellow defenders of Liberty, the materials you need to expose others to the We The People organization and important work on the forefront of the defense of the Constitution.

Click Here to donate and receive your
WTP 2010 Freedom Calendar Package




Donate to the WTP
General Fund here:


To obtain the .999 pure silver CC2009 Commemorative Medallion, click on this
special WTP e-store link



Please remember, the operations of the WTP Foundation
are funded
entirely by your generous support.