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October 11, 2010


Sunday, October 24, 2010
1-2 PM In All Time Zones Across The Nation


We The People Foundation is coordinating a national event in defense of the Constitution and the precious principles of Liberty which it is meant to protect.

The vision is to organize local Liberty Walks from coast to coast, celebrating the defense of the Constitution through Assembly, Speech and song.

Each 30 minute local Walk will conclude with a powerful 30 minute non-partisan, non-political ceremony featuring a short address in defense of the Constitution and group singing of Patriotic songs where the energy of Freedom will be shared.


Please pass this forward to your groups and organizations, your contact lists.  Forward to media with whom you are in contact.


·        Let’s find out how many we are.

·        Let’s be STRENGTHENED by our time together.

·        Let’s get organized, neighbor-to-neighbor, community-to-community.

·        Let’s come together, again and again.

·        Let’s send a message that every person who will not Honor the Constitution and their Oath of Office should not be in office.

·        Let’s take responsibility to hold our elected officials accountable.

·        Let’s commit to learn about the Constitution and our Individual, Inalienable, Natural Rights.

·        Let’s all become Freedom Keepers for Liberty, for future generations and all mankind.

Click here to view Bob discussing the Liberty Walk with Gary Franchi on Reality Report

PLEASE STEP UP: We need organizers in every city and town across America to select the point of departure and the location for the ceremony. Will you step up today for this most important national Liberty event? 

All organizer materials, including event guidance, customizable flyers, lyrics, program event handouts, etc. are now available on the website

12 days to go. Some people say there is not enough time to put the word out. We say IT CAN BE DONE if enough step up and focus to do it. Millions can be raised up at a moment's notice for the Defense of Liberty if things were serious enough....Friends of Freedom, aren't they?

It took us ONE DAY to iron out our Walk route and inform our town and get the details worked out. We hand-delivered our press releases. We are now just getting the word out and organizing our ceremony.

If you can organize a LIBERTY WALK and Freedom Ceremony in your town, those who are working so hard on the elections can take a break and step up for an hour to WALK. They will receive strength and encouragement to see them through to November 2. Let's make it happen across America! Go to and sign up.

We encourage everyone to promote these events through facebook, emails, Meetup, and distribution of customizable printable flyers, etc. Local Facebook groups are already in progress.

If you plan to be an organizer for your town, PLEASE send us an email at Make the subject of the email: ORGANIZER – YOUR TOWN, YOUR STATE.  In the body of the email, tell us your name, town, state, and contact info.  Include email, phone, skype, twitter, facebook, whatever pertains to you.  If you plan to establish a special facebook or website page for your town, give us the link info when it is confirmed. 

Then, on click on “Organizer Resources”, register as an Organizer, and read/download the planning and promotional materials there for your use.

As local walks are organized they will appear on the website.

Our programs, activities and numerous ongoing federal lawsuits, all in the name of the Divine Rights of the Free People of America and our Constitution, are only possible because of your ongoing financial support.  We thank you for enabling us to continue our much needed mission to peacefully restore Constitutional Order. 


Our Annual
Year-End Fundraiser!

The 2011
Freedom Calendars
Click Here

Now Shipping!


You, The People, are the only ones
who can Save the Constitution.

Our Continuing Thanks 

Again, many thanks for your much needed support. You can donate via PayPal, or Join the WTP Congress (monthly or yearly memberships) or set up a monthly "subscription" or one-time donation of any size.

Click the button or this link to our PayPal account
(*NO* PayPal account or log-on is necessary!)






To obtain the .999 pure silver CC2009 Commemorative Medallion, click on this
special WTP e-store link

Support WTP with A DVD overview of the historic 11-day Continental Congress event of last year.

Citizen-Delegates from the several states assembled as the 2009 Continental Congress to document our Government's continuing violations of the Constitution and develop a comprehensive program of non-violent Civic Actions the People can take to restore Liberty and the Rule of Law.

Each official DVD comes with full rights to reproduce and distribute without limitation.

If you have not yet ordered your copy(s), please go here now or call Angie to order by phone:

Angie(order line): 866-437-6570
Mail Check or MO to: ($17.76 + $4.20 s/h)  CC2009 DVD, PO Box 9, Boynton Beach, FL 33425

Thank You in advance for your dedication to the protection of liberty.

Stay Vigilant,


P.S. If you order 10 or more, you can get a discount but you must order by phone: 866-437-6570