December 26, 2010
2010: Year-End Recap
2011: Trust In The Creator and the Constitution
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Today we pause to take a quick look back over the
past year’s advances and setbacks as well as to
offer hope that during this New Year we may yet
witness the Constitution coming into the possession
of more citizens and public policy coming within its
This past year saw the We The People organization
move well into its second decade of federal
constitutional activism. WTP’s work over the past 12
months included programs of constitutional
education, public events designed to encourage
rational resistance to unconstitutional behavior,
celebratory events to share the joy of Liberty, and
of course, our ongoing actions through the federal
Judiciary to hold usurpers accountable to the
From meeting places across the nation, to the steps
of the fifty state capitols and the U.S. Supreme
Court, WTP again left its indelible mark upon the
land, preparing the People to vigilantly and
peacefully defend our Founding Principles while
further establishing a permanent, and irrefutable
record of the People’s attempts to exercise the
First Amendment Right to Petition to lawfully secure
their natural Rights.
As our Republic continued to falter fiscally and
socially due to accruing adverse effects of
violations of the Constitution’s restrictions and
mandates regarding money, war, privacy, and more,
the WTP organization has remained steadfast in its
efforts to rally People in defense of our
Creator-endowed, unalienable and individual Rights.
With your support, we will continue to do so.
Following the short recap of the 2010 efforts of the
WTP organization below, we offer a few thoughts
regarding the coming year. We hope that our long and
extensive record of defending the Constitution
warrants your continuing support.
2010 in a Nutshell
ARICLES OF FREEDOM: Regrouping after the historic
2-week assembly of Patriot Delegates to the
Continental Congress, WTP finalized a new website
and published the Articles of Freedom, the Work
of Continental Congress 2009. This important
documentary work marks the collective efforts of
those assembled to design and adopt a plan to
restore constitutional governance, both at the state
and federal level. The Articles of Freedom and many
hours of free video can be found on the website. A
special DVD of the event is also available.
After significant planning efforts, Patriots in
nearly every State served the Articles of Freedom
on local, state and federal officials. On April 19th,
many representatives of Freedom gathered at their
state Capitals for a public ceremony honoring
and the Constitution before serving their elected
officials with copies of the Articles of Freedom.
The Articles of Freedom document 14
significant violations of the Constitution and
includes Remedial Instructions to the Federal and
State governments that are designed to stop the
violations. The document also contains
recommendations for (peaceful) Civic Actions the
People may take to educate and encourage compliance
by their elected officials.
SING FOR AMERICA numerous times this year to present
the Freedom Scroll to liberty-minded patriots at
special events. The Ceremony which combines Honor
and Gratitude for Creator, Country and Constitution
through flag presentation, patriotic singing and a
talk on the Constitution, came out of the May 2009
meeting at
Island where the Freedom Scroll first appeared. The
Ceremony has now been given in twelve states and the
Freedom Scroll continues to gather the signatures of
American citizens who have felt to re-dedicate their
lives as Freedom Keepers for our Charters of
AIG & TARP Bailout Cases: On March 11, WTP Chairman
Bob Schulz presented oral arguments before the 2nd
Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan seeking a
reversal of yet another abuse of the standing
doctrine by the United States District Courts. Bob’s
constitutional challenge against the AIG and TARP
bailouts had been dismissed for “lack of standing.”
Once again, the federal Courts had refused to hear a
constitutional challenge on its merits, choosing to
dismiss the case because Bob’s injury “was no
different from the injury being suffered by everyone
else in the country.”
In what has become all too common, the federal
courts are dismissing Judicial Petitions for Redress
involving allegations of unconstitutional acts by
elected officials merely because the Court (alone)
has determined that the Plaintiff’s injuries are
identical to those of virtually every other American
citizen. In other words, if all Americans are harmed
equally as the Government steps outside the
boundaries drawn around its power by the letter and
spirit of the Constitution, NO citizen has a right
to a responsive response from the Courts to his or
her meritorious Petition to Redress the Grievance.
As this “doctrine” effectively enables the Judiciary
to unlawfully collude with the Executive and
Congress to deny any and all Redress for
constitutional torts committed by the Government,
Schulz appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. In the
last week of November, the Supreme Court decided not
to hear the case. Despite this setback, the battle
over the judiciary’s abuse of the standing doctrine
is far from settled – and far from over!
Click here to view a copy of our
Petition to the U.S. Supreme Court.
NCEL (National Clean Elections Lawsuit).
The principle of the public nature of
elections emerging from America’s Basic Law (the
Constitution for the United States of America)
requires that all essential steps in the elections
of federal representatives be subject to public
When electronic voting machines are deployed, it
must be possible for citizen-voters to check the
essential steps in the election act and in the
ascertainment of the results reliably and without
special expert knowledge.
In defense of the public nature of America’s
elections and our fundamental Right to know that our
votes are being accurately counted, WTP initiated
its NCEL case in 2007, with the support of hundreds
of citizen-voters representing all 50 States. The
intent is to end the practice of counting votes in
secret, which is what all machines do. The case is
in the discovery phase, on its way to trial. Early
this year WTP engaged in a protracted legal battle
over New York State’s obnoxious claim that virtually
all documentary evidence sought by WTP was
“confidential” and could not be viewed or
disseminated (potentially even to jurors) without a
highly restrictive non-disclosure agreement.
Despite WTP’s valiant efforts to overturn this
prejudicial procedural decision by the Court (which
included yet another appeal to the 2nd
Circuit court of Appeals) WTP was forced to adhere
to this highly-unusual and restrictive trial
procedure. Thus far, in response to its First
Notice to Produce, WTP has received documents
totaling 44,414 pages. Discovery continues even as
the state of New York (believe it or not) has filed
yet another Motion to Dismiss for lack of standing.
WTP’s response is due on December 28, 2010.
revoked the Foundation’s 501(c)3 tax exempt status.
As there are numerous factual and legal flaws in
IRS’s action, WTP is seeking a reversal of this
administrative action. The matter is in the “Tax
Court.” A trial date has not yet been scheduled.
FOX NEWS/Napolitano/RTP: WTP’s groundbreaking work
regarding the little-known Right to Petition finally
caught the eye of FOX News. During 2010 Bob Schulz
had several one-on-one meetings with FOX senior news
analyst and constitutional expert Judge Andrew
Napolitano and even appeared on his FOX news show
“Freedom Watch.”
Click here to view the segment on the Right
to Petition. Napolitano has taken a significant
interest in the Right To Petition enough so to
warrant a full review of WTP’s legal pleadings and
historical research. WTP continues to work with his
co-authors and has been informed that a full chapter
of Napolitano’s soon to-be published book will focus
squarely on the Right to Petition matter.
SPLC: The Freedom antagonist Southern Poverty Law
Center also took note of Bob Schulz and WTP this
year, offering WTP notoriety as a key force in the
Freedom Movement. Quoting from their Spring 2010
not clear what role Bob Schulz and We the People
(sic) will play in the coming months and years.
What is certain is that they have had a key, and
little-noticed, part in the dramatic expansion of
the radical right over the last year. It may well
be, when the history of these years on the radical
right in America is finally written, that the
Jekyll Island summit, and the continental congress
(sic) that followed, did more than any other
effort to build the muscle of the radical
antigovernment movement.”
OPERATION PEOPLE POWER: In June 2010, WTP initiated
a program to invigorate patriots everywhere to begin
the long range task of educating and mobilizing
local communities with respect to constitutional
activism. The program centered on local “Article of
Freedom” “Meetup” groups. Each group initiated a
14- week educational series utilizing videos from
the 2009 Continental Congress event and pre-scripted
overviews of each week’s subject matter coving a
different violation of the constitution. The second
round of those AOF educational meetings concludes in
early January, 2011. Details are on the Articles of
website “plan page.”
TIME MAGAZINE: In October, the internationally
published TIME Magazine ran a cover story regarding
violent domestic militias that incorrectly and most
deliberately portrayed WTP’s Bob Schulz as a
philosopher and primary militia influence. Schulz
responded to TIME’s publisher detailing false facts
and character smears contained in the article. After
contact with TIME’s corporate counsel, on Nov. 1
TIME printed highly selected extracts from Schulz’s
rebuttal as a Letter to the Editor in their national
print edition. More at
this link.
WALKS: On October 24 and November 27 WTP sponsored
coordinated Liberty Walk events at numerous
locations across the nation. More than 50 Walk
(non-political) events were executed on each of the
two days, each a local celebration of the
Constitution and Declaration featuring patriot
sing-a-longs and scripted speeches noting the
importance of our founding documents to the
continuance of
A third “Winter Walk” is under consideration to
commemorate the happenings at Valley Forge during
the low point of the American Revolution. We are
very grateful for all those who stepped up to
become organizers for a Liberty Walk in their
localities and hope this effort will continue to
expand across America. Go to
a 2011 conference, which will have a singular focus
on the First Amendment Right to Petition, believing
there may have been enough of an awakening across
America in the past two years that such an effort
might yield the needed awareness and discussion to
bring greater attention and action at both the
federal and state level.
SUMMIT: Recognizing the precarious state of the
Republic, WTP has called for a 2011 “Liberty
Summit” to bring numerous leaders of the Freedom
Movement together to develop and better coordinate
the disparate and multi-targeted efforts of the
patriot movement. WTP has long voiced the necessity
for the Patriot community to channel their energies
in order to develop the thrust needed to prevail in
our ongoing battle to restore constitutional
governance in
With An Abundance of Gratitude
We can not do justice in recognizing all those who
are out there now, giving whatever they can, to
protect the Heart of America. We are very grateful
for all the organizations and individuals like us
and different from us, who feel a Calling to act and
have proceeded with limitless determination and
courage. While it has always been our belief (and
hope) that there must come a time when we come
together if we are to be successful in the ultimate
accomplishment (constitutional obedience restored
and then maintained at every level of government),
we see and very much appreciate that every channel
of energy and focus has its Divine Purpose at this
time. No effort in defense of Liberty is ever lost.
For those who have been specifically committed to
WTPF and WTPC, providing the financial assistance
which enable us to continue, we hope that every
dollar you have given comes back to your world
multiplied without limit in whatever form of supply
fills your need. We welcome your input, your ideas
and your feedback at all times as we move forward.
If you are a patriot who has stepped up at any time
during this year to assist with one of our Liberty
projects, we hope your experience has been rewarding
and that your efforts enhanced your understanding of
how very important you are, each and every one of
you, to the Cause of Liberty.
We continue to feel deep gratitude for the
Continental Congress that took place in 2009 and all
who helped to make that happen. We have seen the
Delegates who attended, as well as many other People
in each of the States, continue to serve the
Articles of Freedom on their elected officials and
seek a response. We have more and more evidence
that this document has made and continues to make an
impact in turning our consciousness back towards the
Constitution. We have talked about creating an
Articles of Freedom newsletter that tracks and
updates progress to this end.
Each day, our hearts are with those who have endured
hardship as they have acted on their beliefs
regarding the tax situation in America, or who have
stood up for our Constitution through the courts and
have yet to see the Justice and receive the Relief
they seek. We KNOW the day will come, but recognize
this is a time of great perseverance and Faith for
There are certain individuals for whom we cannot
close out 2010 without a special acknowledgement:
our wonderful steadfast accountant Judy Divendorf,
research assistant and web manager, Mike B. - Ohio,
as well as other true patriot friends who have given
so much assistance professionally and personally:
Todd McGreevy - Iowa, George Shepherd - Florida, top
WTPF member and state coordinator, Barbara Harless –
Texas, Bob’s assistant, public relations expert and
event manager, Judith Whitmore, and office manager
Judy Schulz. There are so many others we could
mention and hope you know who you are and how
grateful we are for your presence with us!
Hope for the New Year
The Latin phrase “deus ex machina” comes from
the ancient world of Greek tragedies where a
god-like figure would be lowered onto the stage,
descending from an artificial heaven at the last
possible moment, to resolve the play's earthly
calamity of the day. Although its literal
translation is “god out of the machine,” in English
use it translates more closely to “god from our
Although “deus ex machina” is a literary
contrivance an author can call upon to introduce an
omnipotent figure and his godly powers to “save the
day,” perhaps we should not ignore the possibility
that in our real world, we too, might possess an
innate ability to summon our own Creator, through
our own hands, to assist us in ending our
all-too-real and continuing Constitutional tragedy.
As many of us celebrate the Creator in our own way
during these holidays, we ask that you look within,
search your hearts, and ask what place - and what
responsibility, you have within Creation to help
manifest and defend the Divine form of governance
for the Children of Earth as described and brought
forth through our Founding Documents.
As countless have experienced, it is the revelation
of the Divine connection between the Founding
Principles and nature’s higher order Spiritual
Principles that has moved many to devote the balance
and full energy of their lives and resources to the
protection and preservation of that most precious
gift we know as Liberty.
We pray you look toward the New Year with Love, Joy
and great Hope. We share and have been called to a
great moment of human history. Know well that
within our hands and our hearts resides the ability,
at any time, to call forth nature’s God, to protect
that which is certainly Divine.
The Light of Liberty awaits only the intention and
call of the People.
Please join us and support our work during the
coming year.

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