January 19, 2012
Why We Must Organize
The Fight Is On
Editor’s Note: This Update has two parts. Today
we address why it is imperative for each of us to
awaken our families, friends and neighbors, in
sufficient numbers, to their duty, as responsible
Americans, to ORGANIZE for the purpose of holding
ALL elected officials accountable to ALL provisions
of our state and federal constitutions, and to do so
Tomorrow we will reveal a practical
pathway for us to ORGANIZE, using a powerful new
online organizing
SUMMARY: Why We Must Organize
In defense of the Rule of Law in New York State, from the State
Constitution on down, we established the Tri-County
Taxpayers Association in 1979, and the All-County
Taxpayers Association in 1992. For twenty years
these organizations blazed a trail of government
accountability by using the Right to Petition the
Government for Redress of Grievances, the Right that
is guaranteed by every State Constitution and by the
last ten words of the First Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, but a Right that had been so injured
as to be confined and stored away since 1836, when
it was “gagged” by Congress. For more about TCTA
and ACTA and their success in New York
State, see
In 1997, to give our State and Federal Constitutions a stronger voice in
federal affairs of state, we established We The
People, a national organization. Within seven years,
WTP had etched into the awareness of citizens in
every state the concept of government accountability
to the rest of the Constitution through First
Amendment Petitions for Redress. See the “Archives”
June 15, 2011, to give our State and Federal
Constitutions a stronger voice, we began advocating
for the establishment of a non-political
“Constitution Lobby” in every state. We recognized
that non-violent civic action by a mass movement is
necessary to prevail in attempts to hold government
accountable to our Constitutions. Within six months,
Constitution Lobbies were incorporated in New York,
Connecticut, Kansas and Nebraska:
October 8, 2011, to give our State and Federal
Constitutions a voice within the widespread Occupy
movement of young people, we established a
Constitution Working Group within Occupy Wall
Street. Within three months a website was
established at
www.OccupyTheConstitution.org where there is now
posted a Statement of Beliefs and seven First
Amendment Petitions for Redress, each addressing a
major issue in our Country, which when signed by 3%
of the population of the United States (9 million),
will be served on named official(s) in our state and
federal governments.
While all of
these efforts since 1979 have been dedicated to
defending our Federal and State Constitutions
as they currently exist, including their
embedded provisions for amending them, there is now
a counter-movement that has been quietly seeded in
America advocating for a new Constitution and
a new Bill of Rights.
This “Replace
The Constitution” movement has been instigated,
strategized and funded by liberal, progressive
forces, including George Soros. It seeks to
disembowel our Founding documents and their
essential, underlying Principles.
It has sprouted
ever far-reaching tentacles throughout the
institutions of our society, inventing and molding
“intellectual” mindsets and political paradigms from
corporate/media newsrooms to Hollywood scriptwriters, from the hallowed halls of Yale University to the ubiquitous
urchins at Occupy Wall Street.
The Replace The Constitution movement appears
determined to command the future of this Nation and
her People, enabled by the American public’s
pathetic grasp of history, economics and the
essential Principles of Law and Liberty protected by
our Founding documents, coupled with the public’s
inability to discern the connection between the root
causes and effects underlying the current national
and international crisis.
As we begin to
examine the emerging roadmap this dangerous new
movement is drawing for the future of America (and
the planet) we see the fingerprints of an
all-powerful, universally present George Soros.
The balance of this article discusses our recent
confrontation with the shadowed forces of this
Replace The Constitution movement as we
attempted to provide basic education to the
assembled masses at Occupy Wall Street regarding the
nature of Liberty and the vast powers of our
Fundamental Rights, including the Right to Petition
and the Right to Secure Redress protected by our
We are trying to
do something very constructive. To our surprise,
however, we find we are being blocked for fairly
unsubstantial reasons, based on arbitrary personal
opinions as opposed to reasoned argument based on
facts. Despite our desire to move forward, we have
been actively obstructed by disruptors within Occupy
Wall Street’s General Assembly (“GA”), who have
persistently injected numerous interruptions and
distractions to thwart our progress – all the while
failing to confront the substance of our Right to
Petition based solution and failing to explain how
obedience to the Constitution would work counter to
the principles of economic justice the “99%” so
boisterously seek.
We believe the
Replace The Constitution movement will do what
it can to prevent the “99%” from learning that they
currently possess the power to manifest the
social Justice, economic opportunity, global peace
and personal Liberty they demand simply by
embracing our existing Constitutions.
is the official site for information about George
There, we read, “George
Soros has been a prominent international supporter
of democratic ideals and causes for more than 30
years. His philanthropic organization, the Open
Society Foundations, supports democracy and human
rights in over 70 countries. Born in Budapest in
1930, George Soros is Chairman of Soros Fund
Management, LLC. As one of history’s most
successful financiers, his views on investing and
economic issues are widely followed.”
For evidence
of how powerful and universal the presence of George
Soros, see
The Clash and Developing Contest
December 17, 2011, at Liberty Square in New York
City, our efforts to defend the Letter and Spirit of
the current Constitution came face-to-face and
clashed with the movement to Replace The
Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Take heed. Pay special attention. The fight is on and much is at stake.
THE DETAILS: Why We Must Organize
On October 8, we started a Constitution Working
Group at OWS.
On November 4, prior to the eviction of Occupiers
from Zuccoti Park, before two thousand listeners,
Bob and Judith presented the Statement of Beliefs to
the General Assembly for consideration. The response
to a continuing Constitution presence and the
Statement of Beliefs was overwhelmingly positive. http://www.wethepeoplefoundation.org/UPDATE/Update2011-11-06.htm
The Constitution was gaining traction.
www.OccupyTheConstitution.org was presented to
the public with the Statement of Beliefs and then
seven First Amendment Petitions for Redress, which
speak to the heart of what is fundamental to America
and seek to address some of our Nation’s gravest
challenges using constitutional remedies.
The Constitution Working Group then sought to obtain the consent of the
General Assembly of Occupy Wall Street to:
defend the Constitution by encouraging all people in and out
of the occupy movement to “occupy the First
Amendment’s Petition for Redress Clause,” by
signing the Petitions on
www.OccupyTheConstitution.org, and
b) encourage the General Assemblies of all other occupy groups
across the Country to do the same.
“A block away
from the New York Stock Exchange, a few dozen Occupy
Wall Street organizers show up to work every day at
an office building in the heart of Manhattan's
Financial District. The movement may have lost its
public face – a handful of protesters appear at Zuccotti Park
on any given morning
– but the folks who sit at desks
inside the office said Occupy is still very much
alive despite the
recent evictions of encampments across the country...
“This is just an office space that a handful of
people have tried to make a resource for the Occupy
Wall Street movement,” said Han Shan, a member of
Occupy Wall Street’s press relations and
direct-action working groups…
found a donor who was generous enough to pay the
rent,” Shan said.
donor has chosen to remain anonymous.”
On December 4, Schulz and Whitmore stood before the General Assembly in
Zucotti Park and presented the Plan, saying:
Constitution Working Group had developed seven First
Amendment Petitions for Redress: five directed to
the Federal Government and two directed to the State
Legislatures, each designed to remedy a violation of
the Constitution; and
on December 11 – after a week-long, intensive review
period of the Plan by OWS - the Constitution Working
Group would return to the General Assembly to seek
the consensus of the General Assembly in support of
the seven Petitions for Redress: and
the Constitution Working Group would take steps to
inform everyone affiliated with Occupy Wall Street
and the Occupy movement across the country about the
seven Petitions for Redress.
Between December 4 and 11, we made every effort to reach out to the
struggling OWS movement as remained after the
-- We
posted an article about the Statement of Beliefs and
seven Petitions for Redress on the official OWS
www.nycga.net, including a link to our new
www.OccupyTheConstitution.org where the
Petitions for Redrss could be read; and
-- We
distributed 1,000 hard copies of the Petitions to
participants in the OWS movement at various OWS
event locations in NYC, including the “Atrium at 60
Wall Street” and the “Spokes Council Meeting” on
December 6; the response to our presence was
gratitude and support.
offered a live stream Q & A about the Plan through
the InterOccupy Working Group on December 8; the
one-hour interview was streamed live over the
Internet; listeners called in with their comments
and questions, and the interview was archived on the
InterOccupy Working Groups web site; and
offered “teach-ins” on the Petitions at 60 Wall Street, the place where
the nomad occupiers were gathering to re-organize.
At this time we began to see a variety of factions
with vastly different things in mind for America.
December 10, 2011, WorldNetDaily.com (“WND”) posted
an article
Occupy's 'nerve
staffed by Soros activists , reading
in part:
“Shan’s radical resume
goes far beyond Occupy. He is the former program
director for the Tides Center-funded Ruckus Society
and an activist with the Tides-funded Adbusters.
“Shan was listed as the
contact person for protests outside the 2000
Democratic National Convention. Those protests were
sponsored by both Adbusters and Ruckus.
“Shan previously pulled
off a stunt at the Mall of America in Minneapolis,
where he reportedly climbed to the top of the
building and unfurled a 600-square-foot cartoon that
depicted the earth falling through a broken shopping
bag. The action was aimed at getting mall visitors
to ditch their purchases, go home and observe
Thanksgiving Friday as “Buy Nothing Day.”
“Since 1992, “Buy Nothing
Day” has been sponsored annually by the
Vancouver-based Media Foundation, which publishes
“Adbusters magazine is
reported to have come up with the Occupy Wall Street
idea after Arab Spring protests toppled governments
in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. The Adbusters website
serves as a central hub for Occupy’s planning.”
Working with the Ruckus
Society, Shan was a leader of the 1999 World Trade
Organization protests in Seattle that turned
violent. Ruckus helped to spark those riots.
Ruckus is directly tied
to Occupy. WND previously reported how official
direct-action training resources for recent Occupy
events include several manuals from the Ruckus
Society, which trains radical activists in “direct
action” techniques.
Ruckus was also listed as
a “friend and partner” of the Occupy Days of Action
held last month.
Ruckus is funded by the
Tides Center, which has been involved in Occupy
since the movement’s onset.
Another grantee of Tides
is the Adbusters magazine. MoveOn.org, which has
joined Occupy, is funded by Tides.
Tides functions as a
money tunnel where major leftist donors provide
large sums that are channeled to hundreds of radical
groups. One prominent Tides donor is Soros.
Besides accepting major
donations from Tides, Ruckus is also funded
directly by Soros’ own Open Society Institute.
December 11, 2011, we returned to Zuccoti Pank and
presented the Constitution Working Group’s proposal
to the General Assembly. Out of an initially
supportive crowd came unfamiliar and rebellious
faces and voices. Our proposal was tabled due to a
seemingly coordinated effort by a small group of
people who were clearly in the minority, who
deliberately obstructed the passage of the proposal
by introducing irrelevant issues and making speeches
about how calamitous, gloomy and threatening our
Constitution is.
We returned to the General Assembly on the 14th and the 17th,
only to have the proposal tabled again and again,
after additional “filibustering” by a few people who
were finally heard to say they were not interested
in any defense of the current Constitution because
they “wanted a new Government and new
Constitution.” They showed little or no
understanding of the one we have. We saw the many
supporters stand back in silent observation of what
was taking place. Some whispered to us, “This is
what happens here. Don’t give up.”
We knew if this Replace The Constitution faction had a foot-hold
in the Occupy movement, they would have to surface
to prevent our Constitutional Proposal from gaining
a real foot-hold, and they did.
On December 20, Bob received a late night telephone call. The caller
convinced Bob that he was intimately familiar with
OWS’s politics, personalities, programs and
procedures. The caller told Bob he was familiar and
in agreement with the Constitution Working Group’s
proposal, and that he wanted Bob to understand where
the opposition was coming from.
The caller explained he was working on his theory that three factions had
developed within the movement:
1. The
“Due Process” faction that believes in transparency
in government and that those in Government should be
held accountable to the existing constitution, and
2. The
“Red Anarchist” faction that wants a new government
with a new constitution, and had figured out they
could use the rules of the GA to advance their
agenda by supporting “friendly” proposals such as
those of the Direct Action Working Group, while
thwarting unfriendly proposals such as that of the
Constitution Working Group.
3. The
“Smaller Government” faction that simply wants less
government and less spending.
The caller said he was in the Due Process faction and considered the
efforts of the Constitution Working Group to be
extremely important.
Bob and Judith spent the next day with the caller, and a colleague of
his, learning more about them and their definite
January 2, 2012, World Net Daily, published an
article titled “OCCUPY
new currency, right of troops to refuse orders,”
Aaron Klein.
The article accused Occupy Wall Street of being affiliated
with Soros and of wanting to draft a NEW
Constitution. Aaron
Klein is WND's senior staff reporter and
Jerusalem bureau chief. He also hosts
"Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on New York's
After we posted comments to protest his confusion,
Klein called us. He agreed he had mistakenly linked
the Petitions on our website,
OccupyTheConstitution.org to statements that had
been newly posted on a spin-off website of OWS under
the Forum topic OccupyTheConstitution. Note: That
Forum is accessible at the website
www.OccupyWallStreet.org after clicking on
“Forum” and searching for “occupy the constitution.”
went to see for ourselves what had caused Klein’s
sensational headline. We found “someone else” had
entered the scene, using OccupyTheConstitution as a
Forum topic and asserting that the 99% needed to
write a new constitution. From their initial posting
dated December 13, 2001, there has been a
continuing, concentrated effort to proceed as if
representing a major voice within the OWS movement.
So, Klein read the postings on the Forum
“OccupyTheConstitution” (not a website, no “.org” or
“.com) that he found on the OWS spin off website
www.OccupyWallStreet.org . He assumed
OccupyTheConstitution was a website. He entered
www.OccupyTheConstitution.com in his browser.
There, he discovered our Petitions for Redress,
apparently read only the remedial instructions and
jumped to the conclusion that “Occupy Assaults The
chain of errors in Klein’s report helped us discover
what was under foot and learn more about Soros and
the effort to Replace The Constitution.
Until then, we at WTP were aware of what Glenn Beck, Judge Napolitano,
WND and others had been surfacing about Soros and
his activities. Now, however, we sought to meet this
energy head on. Here is some of what we have
1. Organizations funded by Soros include: The Open Society
Foundations, The American Constitution Society and
the Center for American Progress, as well as the
Tides Foundation. We believe Soros is funding,
directly and indirectly, hundreds of organizations
America and around the world. We believe his ideas
and funding have permeated and been diffused
throughout our society, including mainstream Media,
academia, think-tanks and other opinion leaders with
the potential of covering America with a blanket of
propaganda aimed at dismantling America’s
Constitutional Republic, with its underlying
principles, bringing America down and into
“equilibrium” with other countries, rather than
allowing the governing documents and true principles
of Freedom, Rights and Liberties of other countries
rise to letter and spirit of America’s.
2. In
April of 2005, three of these organizations
sponsored a conference at Yale Law School titled, “The Constitution in 2020.” According to The New York
Times, “the organizers set out to gather together a
group of scholars to define a progressive
constitutional agenda for the coming century. The
conference brought to New Haven many of
the leading liberal scholars in the country… They
sought to nurture a new generation of legal liberals
who would pose an alternative to the conservative
strict-constructionist lawyers who emerged from the
Federalist Society to dominate the federal courts
during the Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 eras…In the
ensuing years, several scholars, including Jack
Balkin, Reva Siegel and Robert Post — three law
professors at Yale — have helped articulate the
position now known as “democratic
constitutionalism.” One of its core ideas is
that courts should pursue many of the same
social-justice ends that the Warren Court sought to
advance, only using more modest, less uniformly
activist means — always acting in conjunction
with progressive political movements…”
(our emphasis added in bold).
3. The leader of the Conference was Cass Sunstein, a Professor
of Law at Chicago
Law School and who in 2009 became the White House’s
head of the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs. Sunstein is the husband of Samantha
Powers, a Special Advisor to President Obama on
Human Rights with ties to the Global Center For
Responsibility to Protect who is believed to have
influenced President Obama to apply the armed forces
of the United States in non-defense related
hostilities in Libya in 2011 (without the
authorization of Congress, compounding the injury to
the Constitution).
2004, Sunstein published a book, “The Second Bill of
Rights: FDR’S Unfinished Revolution and Why We Need
It More than Ever,” in which he advanced the notion
that welfare rights, including some controversial
inceptions, be granted by the state.
Sunstein laid out what he calls the Second Bill of
right to a useful and remunerative job in the
industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;
right to earn enough to provide adequate food and
clothing and recreation;
-- The
right of every farmer to raise and sell his products
at a return that will give him and his family a
decent living;
-- The
right of every businessman, large and small, to
trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair
competition and domination by monopolies at home or
right of every family to a decent home;
right to adequate medical care and the opportunity
to achieve and enjoy good health;
-- The
right to adequate protection from the economic fears
of old age, sickness, accident and unemployment;
-- The
right to a good education.
Sound sensible and desirable? Beware. Our Founding
Fathers eschewed collectivism democracy and
socialism as options for our America. Learn why.
On one page in his book, Sunstein claims he is “not
seriously arguing” his bill of rights be
“encompassed by anything in the Constitution.” On
the next page he states that “if the nation becomes
committed to certain rights, they may migrate into
the Constitution itself.” He goes on to argue,“at a
minimum, the second bill should be seen as part and
parcel of America’s constitutive commitments.”
5. In April of 2009, inspired by “The Constitution
in 2020” conference at Yale, a book was
published with that title. The Constitution in
2020 was edited by two Yale Law School
Jack M. Balkin and Reva B. Siegel. Here is what the
Publisher and Reviewers had to say about the book:
“The Constitution in 2020
is a powerful blueprint for implementing a more
progressive vision of constitutional law in the
years ahead. Edited by two of America's leading
constitutional scholars, the book provides a new
framework for addressing the most important
constitutional issues of the future in clear,
accessible language. Featuring some of America's
finest legal minds--Cass Sunstein, Bruce Ackerman,
Robert Post, Harold Koh, Larry Kramer, Noah Feldman,
Pam Karlan, William Eskridge, Mark Tushnet, Yochai
Benkler and Richard Ford, among others--the book
tackles a wide range of issues, including the
challenge of new technologies, presidential power,
international human rights, religious liberty,
freedom of speech, voting, reproductive rights, and
economic rights.
The Constitution in 2020
calls on liberals to articulate their constitutional
vision in a way that can command the confidence of
ordinary Americans.”
(Our emphasis added)
“Edited by two of America's leading constitutional
scholars, with features from some of America's
leading legal minds (Cass Sunstein, Bruce Ackerman,
Robert Post, Harold Koh, Larry Kram, Noah Feldman,
Pam Karlan, William Eskridge, etc.)”
is clear that no talent was spared in the
construction of Balkin and Siegel's book The
Constitution in 2020....Balkin and Siegel have
drawn together a group of contributors highly
qualified to predict the challenges that redemptive
constitutionalism could face in the next decade."--Political
Studies Review
Constitution in 2020 belongs in every academic
law library. This collection would be a valuable
addition to a suggested reading list for
constitutional law classes. High school students in
advanced placement US government and politics
classes might be encouraged to read a few of the
essays. Law librarians should at least skim through
this book, too. You never know when someone is going
to ask a question that you may be able to answer
thanks to your outside reading."--Law Library
a generation, conservatives have dominated our
constitutional conversation. Now as a new day dawns,
this inspiring book recaptures a progressive vision
of a Constitution that can fulfill the country's
oldest commitments to a robust and inclusive
democracy."--Linda Greenhouse, Pulitzer
Prize-winning journalist and author of Becoming
Justice Blackmun:R
"For much too long, progressive thinkers have been
either responding reflexively to agendas set by the
right, or wringing their hands over the absence of
constructive options of their own. This volume marks
the end of that time in the wilderness.
Constitutional progressives who read this book's
veritable cornucopia of carefully conceived
alternatives are bound to be energizes by the vistas
opened here--and challenged by the puzzles poster in
every sparkling chapter."--Laurence H. Tribe,
University Professor, Harvard Law School, and author
of The Invisible Constitution
About the Author(s)
M. Balkin
is Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the
First Amendment at Yale Law School, and the Founder
and Director of Yale's Information Society Project,
an interdisciplinary center that studies law and the
new information technologies. Professor Balkin
teaches and writes in the areas of constitutional
law, telecommunications and Internet law, first
amendment law, cultural and social theory, and
jurisprudence. He is a member of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences and the author of over
80 articles on constitutional and legal theory. He
has written op-eds and commentaries for The New York
Times, The Boston Globe, the L.A. Times, the
Hartford Courant, the New Orleans Times Picayune,
the Washington Monthly, and the New Republic Online.
He also runs a weblog, Balkinization, at http://balkin.blogspot.com.
Reva B. Siegel is Nicholas deB. Katzenbach
Professor of Law at Yale Law School, where she
teaches constitutional law, antidiscrimination law,
and legal history, and serves as faculty advisor to
the American Constitution Society chapter. Professor
Siegel's writing draws on legal history to explore
questions of law and inequality, and to analyze how
courts interact with representative government and
popular movements in interpreting the Constitution.
Much of her recent work analyzes how progressive and
conservative movements have struggled to shape
constitutional law in matters concerning race, sex,
and the family over the last several decades. She is
currently writing a series of articles exploring the
genesis of the "traditional family values" coalition
and the evolving strategies of the anti-abortion
In 2009, the Yale Law School issued the following
October 2-4th, 2009, Yale Law School will hold a
conference in honor of the publication of
The Constitution in 2020.
The book contains 27 short essays by some of the
country's leading constitutional and civil rights
scholars discussing how the Constitution should
be interpreted in the year 2020. The book
emphasizes the importance of democratic
constitutionalism in which the political branches
and ordinary citizens play important roles in
defining and enforcing constitutional rights, and in
which courts have neither the first nor the last
word on the meaning of the Constitution. For a
recent account of the book in the New York Times
Magazine, see
to review the table of contents and read 10 sample
chapters, see
During the October Conference at Yale a group of
senior and junior scholars will meet at Yale Law
School to explore our constitutional future in areas
ranging from foreign policy and national security to
social welfare rights, individual freedom,
federalism, democracy and voting rights, and
theories of constitutional interpretation.” (Our
emphasis added).
7. On February 14, 2008, the Global Centre for R2P (Responsibility to
Protect) was launched with funding by Soros.
http://www.globalr2p.org/whoweare/donors.php ;
. The principles of
To Protect” originated in a 2001 report of the
International Commission
on Intervention and State Sovereignty.
The following was taken from the website of the
Global Centre for R2P:
The Responsibility to Protect populations from
genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and
ethnic cleansing has emerged as an important global
principle since the adoption of the UN World Summit
Outcome Document in 2005. In recent years the
international community has accepted R2P both
conceptually and in practice, including by invoking
the principle in UN Security Council resolutions.
The Responsibility to Protect - known as R2P -
refers to the obligation of states toward their
populations and toward all populations at risk of
genocide and other mass atrocity crimes.
This international norm stipulates that:
The primary responsibility to protect populations
from mass atrocities lies with the state itself.
When a state proves either unable or unwilling to
protect peoples, that responsibility shifts to the
international community.
This obligation must be exercised preventively;
states can not delay action until mass crimes have
already occurred.
The tools of action include diplomatic, legal, and
other peaceful measures; coercive measures such as
sanctions; and, as a last resort, military force.
8. In 2004, Soros had outlined the fundamentals of
Responsibility to Protect in a Foreign Policy
magazine article entitled “The People’s Sovereignty:
How a New Twist on an Old Idea Can Protect the
World’s Most Vulnerable Populations.”
In the article, Soros said:
“true sovereignty belongs to the people, who in
turn delegate it to their governments.”
governments abuse the authority entrusted to them
and citizens have no opportunity to correct such
abuses, outside interference is justified.”
specifying that sovereignty is based on the people,
the international community can penetrate
nation-states’ borders to protect the rights of
citizens.” (Our emphasis added).
particular, the principle of the people’s
sovereignty can help solve two modern
challenges: the obstacles to delivering aid
effectively to sovereign states, and the
obstacles to global collective action dealing
with states experiencing internal conflict.” (Our
emphasis added).
Following the publication of Soros’ article, the “Responsibility
To Protect” principles were endorsed by the United
Nations General Assembly in the
2005 World Summit Outcome Document at paragraphs
138 and 139:
138. Each individual
State has the responsibility to protect its
populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic
cleansing and crimes against humanity. This
responsibility entails the prevention of such
crimes, including their incitement, through
appropriate and necessary means. We accept that
responsibility and will act in accordance with it.
The international community should, as appropriate,
encourage and help States to exercise this
responsibility and support the United Nations in
establishing an early warning capability.
139. The
international community, through the United Nations,
also has the
responsibility to
use appropriate diplomatic, humanitarian and other
peaceful means, in accordance with Chapters VI and
VIII of the Charter, to help protect populations
from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and
crimes against humanity. In this context, we are
prepared to take collective action, in a timely and
decisive manner, through the Security Council, in
accordance with the Charter, including Chapter VII,
on a case-by-case basis and in cooperation with
relevant regional organizations as appropriate,
should peaceful means be inadequate and national
authorities manifestly fail to protect their
populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic
cleansing and crimes against humanity. We stress the
need for the General Assembly to continue
consideration of the responsibility to protect
populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic
cleansing and crimes against humanity and its
implications, bearing in mind the principles of the
Charter and international law. We also intend to
commit ourselves, as necessary and appropriate, to
helping States build capacity to protect their
populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic
cleansing and crimes against humanity and to
assisting those which are under stress before crises
and conflicts break out. See
January of 2009, the
UN Secretary-General released a report titled “Implementing
the Responsibility to Protect,”
(available on Soros’s
R2P website:
In a July 2009 General Assembly Debate, UN Member
States overwhelmingly reaffirmed the 2005 Commitment
and passed a
consensus resolution taking note of the
Secretary-General’s report.
Read more about the historic debate here.In this
document the Secretary-General detailed what is now
referred to as the "three pillars" of
R2P implementation.
In July 2010 and July 2011, the Secretary-General
released two additional reports in advance of
General Assembly Debates on the Responsibility to
Protect. The 2010 report entitled, “Early
Warning, assessment and the responsibility to
addresses the early warning capacities and gaps
within UN institutions. The 2011 report entitled, “The role of regional and subregional arrangements in implementing the
responsibility to protect”
focuses on the mechanisms and capacities that
regional organizations possess for effective
regional-global collaboration for prevention of mass
The Security Council has invoked R2P in a number of
instances. In 2006, while addressing the protection
of civilians in Resolution
1674, the Security Council cited R2P reaffirming
"the provisions of paragraphs 138 and 139 of the
2005 World Summit Outcome Document regarding the
responsibility to protect populations from genocide,
war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against
humanity." In 2011 the Security Council invoked the
Responsibility to Protect in a number of
1970 and
1973 on the situation in Libya,
1975 on the situation in Côte d'Ivoire, and
2014 on the situation in Yemen.
March of 2011, WND published an article, “Soros
fingerprints on
In September of 2011, an Op-Ed
appeared in the Los Angeles Times,
and the Libya mission; When does 'responsibility to
protect' grant countries the right to intervene?”
Simon Adams, executive director of the Global Center
for the Responsibility to Protect.
On January 10, 2012, Klein posted an article titled,
“Look who Obama’s new czar is tied to… Cecilia Munoz
previously worked with infamous list,” reporting in
“The Tides-funded
Ruckus Society has been providing direct-action
training to Occupy protesters as well as official
training resources, including manuals, to Occupy
training groups. Ruckus, which helped spark the 1999
World Trade Organization riots in Seattle, was also
listed as a “friend and partner” of the Occupy Days
of Action in October…Another grantee of Tides is
MoveOn.org, which has joined Occupy.”
We here at WTP believe that our Constitution, and
its essential, underlying principles (The Rulebook -
designed to govern the Government), and the People’s
willingness to enforce it, are all that stand
between a Free People and total tyranny and
We know that the root cause of virtually all
America’s problems are the routine violations of the
“Rules” – the principles, restrictions, prohibitions
and mandates of our Founding Documents. To make
matters worse, the open and unapologetic
disobedience and disdain of our Constitution
exhibited by our elected officials is service to the
shadowed interests of those determined to Replace
The Constitution and usher in some new “utopian”
progressive system of governance, devoid of any
semblance of the Law, Justice or Individual Liberty
promised by our current Constitution.
While we at WTP have been devoting our all in
defence of our Founding Documents, there is now a
very active movement in America seeking to quietly
Replace the Constitution and Bill of Rights,
avoiding any recognition or acknowledgement that
it is the violations of the letter and spirit
of our Founding Documents that are the root cause of
what ails this Nation, in all its various
By taking full advantage of our national disorder
and loss of predictability, and the People’s
fears, intellectual confusion and loss of confidence
in all things touched by government (and the
corporations and financial interests which control
it), this violently strong and offensive movement is
It is incumbent upon all Americans committed to
defending our system of governance, our way of life,
and Liberty itself, to personally learn what our
Constitution says, what it means, what it protects,
and how its original intent secured the grand
architecture manifesting, for the first time in the
history of Man, the natural relationship between Men
and the servant governments they create to serve
If Liberty is to survive, individuals must educate
themselves regarding the profound powers of our
Fundamental Rights and the devious means by which
our Liberty – even the very concept of
Liberty, is being systematically corrupted and
Each of us must awaken our families, friends and
neighbours in sufficient numbers to their duty, as
responsible Americans, to ORGANIZE for the purpose
of holding ALL elected officials accountable to ALL
provisions of our state and federal constitutions,
and to do so NOW.
Jan. 20 UPDATE (PART 2) TO
(Jan. 29)
(This is the link to
We most certainly do not need a “new” Constitution
or “new” Bill of Rights.
What we DO need is the personal commitment of every
American to rouse the Nation, stand with their
fellow countrymen and tell Soros, or anyone else who
might be seeking to Replace The Constitution,
“NO – hell no.”
2012 Freedom
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