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January 20, 2012


New Organizing Tool & Live Webinar

Editor’s Note: This Update has two parts. Yesterday we addressed why it is imperative for each of us to awaken our families, friends and neighbors, in sufficient numbers, to their duty, as responsible Americans, to ORGANIZE for the purpose of holding ALL elected officials accountable to ALL provisions of our state and federal constitutions, and to do so NOW. Today we present an overview of a practical pathway for us to ORGANIZE, using a powerful new organizing tool, and we invite you to an online teach-in where you can see it work, learn about the “nuts and bolts” and find out how to participate.


Organizing for the purpose of holding ALL elected officials accountable to ALL provisions of our state and federal constitutions requires an organizational structure built on the twin pillars of constitutional defense: 1) nationwide, non-partisan civic education; and 2) nationwide, non-partisan civic action. One without the other is for naught.

For civic education the Plan is to rely on the national organization, We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.

For civic action the Plan is to rely on the combination of the national organization, We The People Congress, Inc., and an affiliate organization in each of the 50 states, artfully referred to as a “Constitution Lobby.”

The We The People Congress, with its reconstituted IT architecture, software and greatly enhanced functionality, will facilitate the march toward a “Constitution Lobby in every State.”

The WTP Congress is now ready to effectively assist people in every state who are interested in holding government accountable. We will educate, train and organize the People in each state into an effective civic education and action team, to be spun off as a formal, fully functional “Constitution Lobby” when sufficiently organized and ready to step out on their own. 

Each state will have a state coordinator, a county coordinator in every county, trained (and paid) constitutional monitors located across the state, monitoring the activities of every unit of government, and a Citizen Vigilance Center with paid constitutional attorneys, paralegals and support staff.

Think of it:

·        A network of Freedom Keepers – citizens with a passion for Liberty -  trained as “constitutional monitors” in every town, city, county and state to act as government watch-dogs every day here on in, working on behalf of and reporting to the Free People of America;

·        A permanent “citizen vigilance center” established in every state capital, where constitutional attorneys recommend action on behalf of the Free People of America to ensure our elected officials stay within the boundaries We The People have drawn around their power through America’s governing documents;

·        A coalition of experts on the major constitutional disciplines (money, debt, privacy, property, war, taxes, home-rule, etc.) overseeing each state’s Constitution Lobby;

·        A membership of 3-5% of the population of each state, making the organization the most powerful “lobby” in the state.  Government will be forced to be more attentive and responsive when faced with a pro-active, non-violent, mass-movement determined to be governed by the Rule of Law, not the rule of man or whim.

FIRST STEP: National Webinar

Freedom Rising: "We're Getting Organized!" Webinar

Join us for a Webinar on Sunday, January 29, 7--8 pm

Space is limited to 1,000. If necessary, we will have an over-flow
 webinar at 9pm that night (wouldn’t that be nice

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Join Bob Schulz and Judith Whitmore as they roll out plans to get We, the People of America organized to hold government accountable to the Rule of Law, from our State and Federal Constitutions, down to our City Charters and Town Ordinances, state-by-state, county-by-county.


Freedom Rising: "We're Getting Organized!" Webinar


Sunday, January 29, 2012


7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.

The registration link and all info pertaining to these event, including the
Agenda for the Call will be posted on the home page of

System Requirements
PC-based attendees, Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees, Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer



It’s up to the People.

Government will either see a critical mass of their Constituents, organized and standing with each other; single-minded in purpose, resolve and determination on constitutional matters; intelligent, rational and professional in their approach, drawing on the power and resources only  a mass - movement can apply, or Government will continue to see individuals and small groups, un-organized, under- whelming, under-capitalized and ineffective.

We, the People, shall either rally around the Divine Rights of Free Men, the Constitution and the Rule of Law, putting America back on Her Course as only we can, or continue to rely on the promises and assurances of men, experiencing more debt, dependency and decay as the Great American Experiment unravels.

We should be thankful that we get to elect those who wield government power over us (not the case everywhere around the globe). We should all vote after conducting our due diligence. The point is, no matter how elections turn out and who is elected, no matter their political stripes or personalities, and even if you voted for them, they ALL need to be held accountable to the Rule of Law.

They need to know the People know what’s in the Law from the Constitution on down, the People are watching them and the People have the organization, power, resources and DETERMINATION to keep them within the boundaries drawn around their power.


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