Letter to the
re: The Plan to Restore Constitutional Order
June 30, 2008 may be remembered in history as the day
Americans began, in earnest, the moral and solemn process of
holding their (servant) Government accountable to the
Constitution -- under threat of withdrawal of allegiance,
support and tax money.
Next Monday, approximately 1200 American citizens will begin
the process of exercising a profound, but little-known,
800-year old Right first articulated in Magna Carta by
formally serving a "Legal Notice and Demand" for Redress of
Grievances upon the President, the Attorney General and
every Member of Congress at their local district offices.
Incredibly, academic research since 1986 makes clear the
Right to Petition for Redress is NOT a redundant statement
of the Right of Speech. It is in fact, the individual
exercise of Popular Sovereignty.
Here's what the Founders sitting as the first Congress
“If money is wanted by Rulers
who have in any manner oppressed the People,
they may retain it
until their grievances are redressed,
and thus peaceably procure relief, without trusting to
petitions or disturbing the public tranquility.”
Journals of the Continental Congress, 1:105-113
Demanding an official response within forty (40) days, the
Notice includes seven (7) Petitions for Redress of
Grievances regarding substantial violations of our
Constitution including the war, money, privacy, arms and tax
Liberty and Constitutional Order are to survive peacefully,
it is imperative that the People learn about and exercise
the unalienable Right of Redress.
For details about the Plan to Restore Constitutional Order,
www.givemeliberty.org/revolution.(signed) |