January, 2009

Testimonial from Cleveland, Re: CC2009

Psst... pass this along to everyone you know...
Hello, everyone:

I got two requests to share information from Bob Schulz's We the People Foundation and their plans to hold a Continental Congress on March 2, 2009 (very soon!) That is why I am sending out this news note to all. We here in Ohio have a statewide organization as a vehicle to quickly disseminate information from all Paulistas and liberty activists through-out the state. It is called the Ohio Freedom Alliance (www.ohiofreedom.com) which acts at least for the time being as a Campaign For Liberty plus affiliate. (www.campaignforliberty.com)

About a month ago, someone got wind of a senate bill being stealthfully introduced calling for Ohio to be the 33rd state to ratify an “article 5” Con-Con or constitution convention ostensibly to amend the constitution (U.S. Constitution) to “balance the budget” I won’t waste a lot of time expounding on what that entails but suffice it to say that it would be like trying to get rid of one pesky fly with a stick of dynamite. One might end up getting a balanced budget passed but also destroying the house one lived in in the process. There has been only one other constitutional convention held in the United States and we were lucky that our present constitution came out of it. We lost the Articles of Confederation though.

We sent down a hurried delegation of people to testify in Columbus and stopped it dead in its tracks. It is for that reason when an idea circulating came up from We the People calling for a “Continental Congress” We were skeptical again. Tumbleweed Steve of Garretsville invited Bob Schulz to Northeast Ohio to explain the whole thing and we generated 63 people to attend January 20th and heard him out.

What this process is is very different. No one is attempting to “re-write the Constitution”. In fact, if people are familiar with Bob and his We the People Foundation (www.wethepeoplefoundation.org) and (www.givemeliberty.org) they know that he is a stalwart defender OF the Constitution and wishes through repeated calls for the “redress of grievances” hopes to force the government to Obey the Constitution we currently have.

To make a long story short, I attended this event although it is between Cleveland and Akron and about a one and a half hour drive for me from southern Columbiana county. I tend to be the southern anchor for our active Northeast Ohio organizations. I would have to say that I was impressed by not only his plan but also the down to earth humility and determination of this man. He takes nothing from the We the People Foundation and spends 100% of donations in educating and legally challenging the government. He personally and patiently answered each and every question posed to him.

He explained that he has taken the final part of the 1st amendment, the part that reads “right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” He has used this in making continued petitions in hopes of (1) getting redress, or (2) getting the Supreme Court to make a ruling upholding that right. He spent a good bit of time carefully outlining how the Magna Charta started this common law practice- or at least codified it from natural law (remember the Declaration of Independence which states “Natural law and Nature’s God”?) He also cited another event when a jury upheld the rights of 4 bishops serving a petition of grievance in 1644 resulting in a famous jury nullification of the King. There were references to the aforementioned Declaration of Independence, and the federalist papers to prove exactly the understanding and the intent of the framers of the Constitution in drafting the wording of the first amendment. All this was presented very clearly as well as the “long list of unanswered grievances” which Mr Schulz is trying to lay the groundwork for.

He now believes that we have enough to convene the second Continental Congress to gain the attention of the world and of American Citizens who seem to be asleep and unaware of how dangerously far we have drifted from the Constitutional basis for our government and just as the declaration of independence states that “we are inclined to suffer under grievances” there comes a time when we must out of duty to “humanity” (all men) air our complaints that they might peacefully be answered. In other words, we give our wayward government one last chance to answer us.

No one who reads this would likely dispute any or much of what I have written but Bob Schulz is calling on each of us in our respective states to send 3 delegates to a convention to draft a plan to petition our government to obey its own laws- the Constitution. Time is short and each state should send one of her best and brightest to participate in this exercise. Several states have already chosen, Ohio is in the process of choosing hers from those who attended last night.

As I said, I have a great deal of admiration for Mr. Schulz- especially after last night. He is humble, he is dedicated and he has a strong belief in Providence to provide and make sure this takes place. He said he is never let down by supporters in funding or following through on the Foundations’s causes. He says this is because the cause is just. I would like to ask that each of you in as timely a manner as you can muster, get in touch with him, organize a meeting and select your delegates to send. Time is of the essence. We in Ohio have even come up with a plan to elect our delegates by paper ballot so as not to be hypocritical in demanding our government return to paper transparent ballots herself.

Don’t just take my word for it, check out, research this man, his foundation and his causes and then ride with haste to the Convention and begin the month long process of serving the government notice: It is We the People who are in charge here. You are but OUR servants.

Wayne [last name redacted]

P.S. You are welcome to come by and visit the pictures from the event at:
