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February 23, 2007


GML 2007 Update

WTP needs your help.  

GML 2007 is being held at the Hilton Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia, Thursday-Saturday, March 29-31.  

We contracted with the hotel for 350 room-nights spread between Wednesday night, March 28 and Saturday night, March 31. We guaranteed payment for 80% (280) rooms at $159 each, plus 10% in taxes. As of today, the number of room reservations for GML 2007 at the Hilton is well below 280, meaning WTP is now faced with having to pay a very stiff penalty unless we come up with a solution to the problem. 

The feedback we are receiving from our supporters is that the overall cost of transportation, lodging and conference registration is too high-- enough to discourage attendance.  

In addition, we are finding that some people who have registered early for the conference found they could obtain a package including air transportation to DC and lodging at another hotel for a total cost just above that we had arranged for the cost of the rooms alone at the conference Hilton.

Our $159.00 Solution  

In order to resolve this dilemma, we have developed a solution that we hope will enable many more people to attend the conference and also give those that help us the opportunity to participate in the conference. 

Our solution is this:  For every supporter that sends us at least $159, the Foundation will pool those donated funds and use them to directly pay for hotel rooms at the conference Hilton.  We will then make those fully-paid (or heavily subsidized) rooms available for our supporters who would otherwise not attend due to the expense of lodging in DC.

For every $159.00 donation received by WTP for this project, WTP will send a password, enabling the donor to watch the entire 3-day conference, broadcast live over the Internet at NO COST.  In addition, WTP will send the donor a video and audio recording of the entire conference (approximately 20 hours of video content) on either DVD or CD-ROM at NO COST, (subject only to a nominal shipping and handling charge.)  

In other words, WTP will use the funds collected specifically as part of this request to offer fully-paid (or heavily subsidized) hotel rooms at the conference venue to GML 2007 conference registrants, thereby increasing attendance at the event and significantly reducing WTP’s financial exposure, in producing what promises to be a very special Foundation event.  

Please remember time is of the essence. The cost of airplane tickets rises significantly if reservations are made less then 2-3 weeks in advance. Having some or all of the cost of hotel rooms covered by WTP should notably increase attendance at GML 2007, especially if people are able to take advantage of the big discounts airlines offer when reservations are made 2-3 weeks in advance.  

Click Here for instructions for making a donation and obtaining your PPV password.

If just 300 people respond to this special donation request, we should be able to afford to offer fully-paid hotel lodging at the conference hotel for hundreds of our supporters that would otherwise not be able to attend.  

Please act today.  At a minimum, you will get to view the entire 3-day conference for free over a live Internet broadcast, and you also will receive a complimentary permanent record of the full GML 2007 conference proceedings on DVD or CD-ROM.

After the Foundation receives a sufficient number of donations, we will publicly announce how potential GML 2007 attendees can reserve the subsidized hotel rooms at the Hilton.

The Agenda   

We know many people are waiting anxiously to see the final agenda and line-up of conference speakers.  

We hesitate to release what we already know because of the nature of what we have been working on and the impact it may have on the conference and the Foundation.

If, and its still a big if -- we are successful in pulling off even half of what we are attempting, there will be a group of very interesting people added to the list of confirmed speakers, the agenda will change somewhat and GML 2007 will be poised to garner a significant level of attention -- worldwide.  

With these unfolding events in mind, we plan to release the latest version of the Agenda along with a list of confirmed and invited speakers later next week.  In the end, the conference will feature a wonderful slate of speakers that will make GML 2007 an extraordinary event to remember and participate in. 

Until then, please consider registering for the conference and doing what you can to enable others to attend by responding to this important donation request.

One of our supporters also made a good suggestion that local freedom groups pool their limited resources and endeavor to sponsor a local opinion maker or organizational leader, pastor, etc. to attend the conference. In this way, these leaders can return to their local communities armed with knowledge about the profound Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances can be used locally on any constitutional issue to fight corruption and Governments that are out of control.  

We hope to see everyone next month at Give Me Liberty 2007.

Donate $159 and Obtain your Pay-Per-View Password
& FREE Record of the Conference!

PPV Donations can be made on our secure on-line PPV donation system
or by U.S. Mail. PPV user IDs and passwords will be e-mailed to donors automatically.

Here are links for our printable donation forms:
Donate Form ".rtf" format    Donate Form ".pdf" format
If you use the mail-in form,
be sure to note your donation is for a "GML2007 PPV".
Mail donation forms to: WTP 2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804

Click Here for MORE INFORMATION about the Live PPV Internet broadcast

REMEMBER! --  Schulz Is In
TX, AZ and FL This Weekend!

Texas Meeting:
Saturday, February 24th, 3 PM

Mr. Schulz will appear at the Silver Eagle Taphouse, in conjunction with the SET Rally to Stop the TTC (Trans-Texas Corridor), at 3:00 PM on Saturday, February 24. 

The Taphouse is located at 9301 FM 725 in
McQueeney, Texas. This is about 25 miles east of San Antonio (north of Interstate 10) and about eight miles south of New Braunfels (at Interstate 35).  It is located and just north of the intersection of FM 725 with FM 78.  Come and bring a guest. 

The Taphouse phone number is 830-560-1709.  Google Map

FROM INTERSTATE 10: The Silver Eagle Taphouse is about 25 miles east of San Antonio.Take the McQueeney Exit at the intersection of I-10 and HWY 46. Go north on 78. Turn right at the light just across the Guadalupe River on FM 725. We are on the right side of 725 next to the McQueeney Volunteer Fire Station.

FROM INTERSTATE 35: The Silver Eagle Taphouse is about 9 miles south of I-35 on FM 725, on the left side of downtown McQueeney on the Guadalupe River right before the light at hwy 78. 


Arizona Meeting:
Sunday, February 25, 12 PM - 3 PM

Bob Schulz will speak at the Lodge at the
Crowne Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort in Chandler, Arizona.

12 pm –3 pm 

The Lodge at the Crowne Plaza San Marcos Golf Resort
One San Marcos Place
, AZ 85225

(Located near the Golf Course and the Casitas Rooms)
Plaza phone number: 480-812-0900

Chandler, Arizona, is located on the southeast quadrant of the greater Phoenix metro area.  Google Map



Florida Meeting:
Monday, February 26th, 7 PM - 9 PM

The Florida We The People meeting will be held at the Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore just across from the Tampa International Airport, Monday, 7-9 PM.

Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore

2225 North Lois Avenue
Tampa, Florida, United States 33607-2355

Tel: 813-877-6688
Google Map

DIRECTIONS: From 75 North, take I4 West to 275 South, take exit 40B
(Lois Ave). When exiting turn right onto Lois Ave. Hilton is located
1/2 mile on right. From 75 South follow to 275 South, take exit 40B
(Lois Ave). When exiting turn right onto Lois Ave. Hilton is located
1/2 mile on right.

From 275 North, take exit 40B (Lois Ave), When
exiting, turn left onto Lois Ave. Hilton is located 1/2 mile on

If you need additional assistance please contact the
WTP Florida Pinellas Coordinator, Alex Petroski at WTPSoutheast@aol.com.

Click Here to READ & SIGN the
North American Union Petition For Redress

Click Here to READ & SIGN the
Petition For Redress

Click to read our update on Illegal Immigration and
the update on the
impending North American Union (NAU).

Click here to register
for the GML 2007 conference

using our secure registration system

Register early and save....

Click Here to reserve a hotel room
at the GML 2007 discount
conference rate
or to reserve a shared room at the Hilton hotel

March 2007
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   GML 2007 is Thu-Sat,
   March 29-31