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March 3, 2007

Finally: Judiciary vs. Judiciary

If all attorneys are officers of the courts that make up the judicial branch of the government, then the government now has one of its best and brightest members challenging the legality of the operation and enforcement of the federal income tax system on constitutional and statutory grounds

Meet Tom K. Cryer, Attorney at Law.  

On February 20, 2007, the news about Tommy K. Cryer broke on the Internet with the publication of an article titled, “Attorney Challenges Income Tax Law, Constitutional History in the Making.” 

As part of WTP’s due diligence we studied the documents on file in the United States District Court, Western District of Louisiana in USA v Cryer, CASE #: 5:06-cr-50164-SMH-MLH-ALL, and in Cryer v USA, CASE #: 5:02-mc-00019-DEW. In addition, we interviewed Cryer by telephone and we reviewed Cryer's biographic summary and the information on his website at  

Cryer, like IRS Special Agent Joe Banister before him, undertook a two-year study of the income tax system at his own expense. Like Banister, Cryer concluded that consistent with the tax clauses of the Constitution of the United States of America, there is no law that requires individuals to file tax returns and pay a direct un-apportioned tax on their labor, and no law that requires employers to withhold such a tax from the paychecks of their employees.  

Cryer stopped filing tax returns and has now been indicted for tax evasion.  

Cryer’s strategy is to have the indictment dismissed on the merits of his constitutional and statutory arguments. He has filed an approximately 100-page motion that can be described in one word – “brilliant.”    

WTP has invited Tom Cryer to be a featured speaker at GML 2007. Cryer has accepted. He will be attending the conference with his wife Bettye.

Click here to read Cryer's Motion to Dismiss

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North American Union Petition For Redress

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Petition For Redress

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   GML 2007 is Thu-Sat,
   March 29-31