March 8, 2007
Calling all “V”s to Washington
March 30th at 3 PM
Stand In Support
Of Our Petitions for Redress
Full “V” Costumes Available for $55 !
Over the
past two months, We The People Foundation has circulated two
new Petitions for Redress of Grievances, one pertaining to
the government’s failure to stop illegal immigration and one
regarding the impending, and unconstitutional, “North
American Union.”
Many of you have signed these Petitions online and forwarded
news about them to friends, family and associates.
These new Petitioners have now joined the untold thousands
of Americans that have already signed our previous Petitions
regarding constitutional violations arising from the Iraq
War Resolution, the Patriot Act, the Federal Reserve System
and the Income Tax.
On (or about) March 15 these new Petitions for Redress, along
with our previous Petitions, will be formally served upon
every member of Congress, the President and other officials
of the U.S. Government.
Each package will contain a
transmittal letter,
Petitions for Redress of Grievance (along
with their respective constituent signatures) and an
informational CD-ROM containing copies of the legal
pleadings from the landmark Right-to-Petition lawsuit, Law
Review articles establishing the nature of the Right to
Petition and other supporting materials. The lawsuit appeal
is currently awaiting the decision of the U.S. Court of
Appeals in Washington.
constituent transmittal letter respectfully demands that the
elected and appointed officials formally respond to the
Petitions in writing or meet with representatives of the
People across from the White House at Lafayette Park at 3 PM
on Friday, March 30th.
It’s Time To Demand Redress
We need ALL of you to come to Washington and show the
government that We the People will not be ignored, our
Petitions for Redress must be answered, and meaningful
Redress MUST be secured.
Please consider participating
in this important Right to Petition event
even if you have no plans to attend the
Give Me Liberty 2007 conference.
All participants are asked to arrive at
Park between 2 and 2:30 pm on the 30th.
The event starts at
3:00 PM.
The assembled Petitioners will form up in rows and columns
and will wait up to one hour in silent vigil for
representatives of the Government to appear and inform the
Petitioners when they can expect to receive a formal
response to the Petitions for Redress of Grievances.
This is a silent vigil. All participants need to direct any
and all questions and inquiries from the press to Bob
Schulz, Chairman of We the People Foundation.
“V” Costumes
All participants are strongly encouraged, although
NOT required, to appear in a “V” costume.
As we explained in previous communications, the “V” mask
is a means of enjoying anonymity and is an expression of
the fear the People are experiencing in publicly
resisting government despotism and abuse.
We have made arrangements with a wholesale operation to
obtain full “V” costumes for $55 (shipping included).
You can have it shipped to your location or you can
pick it up at the GML 2007 conference.
Please click here to
your participation in the Right-To-Petition White House
Transportation, Parking and Miscellaneous
FREE bus transportation to and from LaFayette Park
will be provided for all GML 2007 conference participants.
Lafayette Park
1608 H St Nw Washington, DC
20006, MapQuest
Assembly/form-up time:
2:00 - 2:30
PM, Friday March 30. One-hour vigil starts promptly at 3 PM
Parking options: There are parking garages all over, but here are a few we found close
by. They run about $14 - $18 a day
MCM Parking Co Inc
1620 I St NW, Washington, DC (0.08 miles away)
Metropark Inc
1627 I St NW, Washington, DC (0.10 miles away)
Matomic Operating Co
1717 H St NW, Washington, DC (0.14 miles away)
Back in November when we had the 100 person “V” rally, many
of us put our costumes on in the parking garage and then
walked to LaFayette Park.
VERIFY your participation
in the March 30 RTP White House
to make a donation and view the Live webcast PPV
Click here to
make a regular hotel reservation at the conference
Click here to
Register for the GML 2007 conference
Click to email us your GML 2007 hotel room $$ Request
Click here to Sign the
Petitions for Redress
We are still asking for $159 donations so we can
help others get to the conference
and fill our allotment of GML2007 conference hotel
Each donation receives a
3-day LIVE webcast
& CD/DVD copy of the entire conference.
Click here
for details....
Click Here to READ & SIGN the
North American Union
Petition For Redress
Click Here to READ & SIGN the
Petition For
Click to
our update on Illegal Immigration and
the update on the
North American Union (NAU).