March 10, 2007
Gun Control Neuters The People:
A Profound Solution To
Stop The Infringement
decades, the US Congress, Executive law enforcement agencies
and certain federal Courts have been cooperating in a
collective decision to disarm all Americans except
Despite the
exacting, and prohibitory language of the Second Amendment
that specifically protects the individual’s Right to Keep
and Bear Arms, the federal government has embarked on a
broad program of regulation, licensing, and police action to
eviscerate the natural Right as it existed since long before
the Constitution was adopted.
The Right
to Keep and Bear arms is so crucial to the protection of
Life and Liberty that any infringement of that Right must be
viewed as a high-order threat to Life and Liberty.
exercised individually, the Right provides for the security
of one’s person, family and property. When exercised
collectively, the Right insures that the People always
possess the means to free themselves from a despotic or
tyrannical government.
should be no doubt as to the true purpose of the Second
Amendment, despite the platitudes of politicians who
sermonize about public safety and the lengthy dicta of some
federal judges who attempt to rewrite history and want us to
believe that words do not mean what they say, and that we
should passively defer to our political leaders for our
The Right is not simply about the right to hunt ducks or
shoot clay pigeons. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is
ultimately about the absolute Right of a free People to
ensure that they always possess the collective capability to
claim and exercise the Right of Revolution, if necessary, to
secure Redress against constitutional torts and
tyrannical government.
The Individual Right to defend one’s life and
Liberty is self-evident. The Right to throw off tyranny and
despotism is merely an extension of the individual Right.
Government has never been and will never be beneficent.
It’s true nature, in fact, is evil. As Ronald Reagan once
declared, “Government is the enemy of freedom.” As
government gains ground, Liberty loses ground. We should
always love our country but never our Government. They are
two different things.
This empirical truth was well recognized by our Founders,
thus the Bill of Rights.
however, is working against the People and the Bill of
instance, with public education having all but replaced
private education, with civic education receiving short
shrift in our government controlled schools, and with the
People pre-occupied with their families, careers, and income
and property taxes, the Government has been working to
disarm the People as it steps farther and farther outside
the boundaries drawn around its power by the terms of the
Constitution, taking possession of a boundless field of
Government's natural inclination is to control the People
and diminish Liberty. If the Rights protected by the Second
Amendment are inevitably lost, the Light of Liberty will dim
and die.
The Profound Alternative To Violence
Founders, hoping that their progeny might never again have
to suffer a violent revolution, included in the Bill of
Rights a guarantee of another natural Right – the Right of
the People to hold their government accountable to the
Constitution without ever needing to fire a shot.
Such was
the brilliance of the Founders.
included in the First Amendment a guarantee of the
“capstone” Right of the People to Petition the Government
for Redress of Grievances. The Petition Clause provides a peaceful way for the People to hold the
Government accountable to the Constitution.
It provides that if the People have evidence that the
Government is oppressing them by violating any of their
natural Rights, the People may submit their grievances to
the Government, along with their request for Redress.
Accordingly, the Government is obligated to respond. If the
Government however, fails to respond, the People may
withdraw their allegiance and obedience from the
Of course,
the Founders knew that if the First Amendment did not work,
the Second would.
This is the
genius of our Founders. It is the threat of violence
reserved by the Second Amendment that forces our servant
Government to peacefully submit to the First Amendment Right
of Petition and the Sovereignty of the People. Failing to
secure Redress through peaceful means, the People, via the
Second Amendment, always possess the ability to utilize
force to remove and replace abusive government.
rare, a number of federal judges are willing to recognize
the true history, meaning, effect and significance of the
individual Right guaranteed by the Second Amendment.
As recently as yesterday, in a 2-1 decision, the United
States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit struck down the
ten year old ban on handguns by the District of Columbia.
Writing for the majority, Senior Circuit Judge Silberman
”The right of self preservation, in turn, was understood as
the right to defend oneself against attacks by lawless
individuals, or, if absolutely necessary, to resist and
throw off a tyrannical government.” Parker, et al.
District of Columbia,
(Case No. 04-7041), (decided March 9, 2007) [emphasis added]
Parker, the District of Columbia claimed it had absolute
power not only to license, but to outright ban all handguns.
The Court of Appeals rejected the assertion. We recommend
everyone read this important ruling, which reiterates the
true nature and purpose of the Second Amendment.
The United
States Supreme Court will undoubtedly agree to hear the
appeal by the District of Columbia. Let us pray the Court will
not dishonor the Second Amendment as it did the Right of
Property in its ruling in the Kelo case and the Right
to Worship as it did in the Lee case..
Click here to read the March 9,
Parker Gun Control decision.
Overall, the attack on the Second Amendment has been
systemic and sustained. Over many decades it has become an
institutionalized effort by the Government to disable the
People’s ability to physically repel the growing abuses of
federal power and encroachments upon Liberty.
As with most matters involving claims of federal power
within the several states, the U.S. Government has crafted
its legal framework for gun control around its limited
interstate commerce authority. It is through this thin
strand of legitimate constitutional authority that it seeks
to unlawfully usurp the People’s Rights under the Second
Amendment, and effectively neuter the American People, to
prevent the People from exercising of the Right that was
ultimately considered necessary, in 1776, to throw off the
monarchial and tyrannical government that had been in place
in America for 150 years.
Make no
doubt -- despite the potential longer-range implications of
court decisions such as today’s ruling by the D.C. Court of
Appeals, the federal government – made up as it is by people
who suffer the same human frailties we all suffer from –
love of power and money -- will remain loathe to relinquish
its false assertions that it has unlimited constitutional
authority to regulate and control firearms within the fifty
Despite its clamor and claims, nothing could be further from
the truth.
Fortunately, we, the People have the constitutional means to
force the President and the Congress, without violence,
to honor and defend the Constitution.
The Profound Capstone Right:
The Right To Petition For Redress of Grievances
Here is how common sense and the Founders tell us, We, the
People, to go about obtaining relief from the acts of our
Government’s officials that are repugnant to our
First, upon
being injured by the Government, the People are to draft and
serve the Government with a written Petition for Redress of
their Grievances. The People may rightfully Petition when
Government has either abused its limited, delegated
authority (such as when it applies the armed forces of the
United States in hostilities overseas without a declaration
of war), or when it has failed to perform a duty mandated by
the Constitution (such as the current failure of the
President to “faithfully execute” the immigration laws, as
he is required to do by Article II, Section 3 of the
Second, the
Government is then required, as a servant and creation of
the People, and by the legal nature of the Right of
Petition, to respond to the Petition for Redress of
Third, if
the Government refuses to respond or to provide Redress as
demanded in the Petition, the People possess the lawful
authority to withdraw their allegiance and obedience from
the Government until it provides Redress to the People.
In fact, we believe this Right of Petition is so powerful that the
Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service are
prohibited by the Constitution from enforcing the Internal
Revenue laws against those rightfully claiming and
exercising the Right of Petition.
(Note: this specific legal issue is currently before the
U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington D.C.
See the lawsuit
Information Center for We The People vs. The
United States Government).
We again
quote the Founders:
money is wanted by Rulers who have in any manner oppressed
the People,
they may retain it until
their grievances are redressed, and thus
procure relief, without trusting to despised petitions or
disturbing the public
Journals of the Continental Congress,1:105-113
The Petition Regarding the Right
of the People to Keep and Bear Arms
Let’s take
the first step. We, the People will now formally Petition
the United States Government for Redress of Grievances
regarding the infringement of the Right of the People to
Keep and Bear Arms.
to SIGN the Petition For
Redress of Grievances Regarding the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms
Petition reviews important constitutional principles,
Supreme Court holdings and federal Gun Control statutes that
violate those principles.
The Petition will be served on every member of Congress and
the President on or about
March 15, 2007.
The more signatures the better – numbers are important.
transmittal letter will be served along with each Petition.
The letter will state that the on March 30, 2007, the People
will assemble at Lafayette Park opposite the White House at
3 p.m., to await the response from the President and the
Congress. The letter will warn the President and the
Congress that should they fail in their constitutional
obligation to provide a responsive response to the Petition
for Redress, the People would have the Right to withdraw
their allegiance from and obedience to the Government.
Stand For Redress!
We urge
everyone to come to Washington and stand in front of the
White House at
3 PM on Friday, March 30 to claim and exercise their Rights under
the First Amendment Petition Clause.
participants are asked to arrive at
Park between 2 and 2:30 pm on the 30th.
The event starts at
3:00 PM.
The People will form up in rows and columns and will wait up
to one hour in silent vigil for representatives of the
Government to appear and inform the People when they can
expect to receive a formal response to the Petitions for
Redress of Grievances.
Please consider participating in
this important Right to Petition event
even if you have no
plans to attend the
Give Me Liberty 2007 conference.
“V” Costumes

All participants are strongly encouraged, although NOT
required, to appear in a “V” costume.
As we explained in previous communications, the “V for
Vendetta” mask is a means of enjoying anonymity and is an
expression of the fear the People are experiencing in
publicly resisting government despotism and abuse.
We have made arrangements with a wholesale concern to
obtain full “V” costumes for $55 (shipping included).
You can have it shipped to your location or you can
pick it up at the GML 2007 conference.
click here to
your participation in the Right-To-Petition White House
Transportation, Parking and Miscellaneous
FREE bus transportation to and from LaFayette Park
will be provided for all GML 2007
conference participants.
Lafayette Park
1608 H St Nw Washington, DC
Assembly/form-up time:
2:00 - 2:30
PM, Friday March 30. One-hour vigil starts promptly at 3 PM
Parking options:
Option #1: Park at one of the
parking lots located at one of the outlying Metro Stations
in Maryland and Virginia, and ride the metro to Farragut
West Metro Station (about .23 miles from Lafayette Park).
Lines that will take you to Farragut West Metro Station
Blue Line towards Franconia Metro
Blue Line
towards Largo Town Center Metro Station
Orange Line
towards New Carrollton
Orange Line
towards Stadium Armory
Orange Line
towards Vienna
Metro Map:
Option #2:
We have identified a few of the public parking garages
located close to Lafayette Park. They run about $14 - $18 a
MCM Parking Co Inc
1620 I St NW, Washington,
DC (0.08 miles away)
Metropark Inc
1627 I St NW, Washington,
DC (0.10 miles away)
Matomic Operating Co
1717 H St NW, Washington,
DC (0.14 miles away)
Back in November when we had the 100 person “V” rally, many
of us put our costumes on in the parking garage and then
walked to LaFayette Park.
Update Related Links:
the March 9, 2007
Parker Gun Control decision from the D.C.
Court of Appeals
VERIFY your participation
in the March 30 RTP White House
to make a donation and view the Live webcast PPV
Click here to
make a regular hotel reservation at the conference
Click here to
Register for the GML 2007 conference
Click to email us your GML 2007 hotel room $$ Request
Click here to Sign the
Petitions for Redress
We are still asking for $159 donations so we can
help others get to the conference
and fill our allotment of GML2007 conference hotel
Each donation receives a
3-day LIVE webcast
& CD/DVD copy of the entire conference.
Click here
for details....
Click Here to READ & SIGN the
North American Union
Petition For Redress
Click Here to READ & SIGN the
Petition For
Click to
our update on Illegal Immigration and
the update on the
North American Union (NAU).